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# FaSTTUBe Corona Tracker
Small webapp to track who was in which room at which time to backtrace
potential viral infections.
For Ideas, Progress, and Bugs visit
## Requirements
- Unixoid system (linux, BSD, macOS). Windows might also work.
- `python` 3.6+ (might be `python3` on your system)
- `pip` for python 3+ (might be `pip3` on your system)
## How to run
(Dev setup, for prod deployment see below)
# clone, cd into repo
pip install -e .
python3 -m ftracker
Edit `config.ini` to tune your installation (see
[ #customization](
for customization options).
Then, point your browser at <http://localhost:5000/>.
## Installation/Deployment
## Open Sources
This project uses the `QRCode.js` library (Copyright (C) 2012 davidshimjs)
licensed under the MIT License, see `web/qrcodejs/LICENSE`. Thanks!
## License
FTracker is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license, see
for details.
Copyright (C) 2020 Oskar/FaSTTUBe