# Temporary FT24 control repo ## Initial setup To install all necessary dependencies, run: ``` rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src ``` Then build this package via the normal ROS2 build process: ``` colcon build --symlink-install source install/setup.bash ``` ## Simulation Start For the Gazebo simulation, run: ``` ros2 launch ft24_control launch_sim.py ``` You can control the car with the keyboard by publishing Twist commands by opening a separate terminal and running: ``` ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r /cmd_vel:=/ackermann_steering_controller/reference_unstamped ``` ## Robot Control The robot control is implemented in the `ft24_control` package and can be launched with \ `ros2 launch ft24_control launch_robot.py`.\ This launch file brings up the `ros2_control`-based nodes that serve as the interface between the physical robot and the ROS2 software stack.