day11 part1 (and part2 if i had infinite RAM)

This commit is contained in:
Oskar Winkels 2022-12-12 02:14:32 +01:00
parent 3a1d612f97
commit 03914c88af
Signed by: o.winkels
GPG Key ID: E7484A06E99DAEF1
2 changed files with 98 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
DAY = 7
DAY = 11
DIR = day$(DAY)

day11/main.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import System.IO
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
--import Debug.Trace
data Monkey = Monkey { name :: Int
, items :: [Integer]
, op :: (Integer -> Integer)
, cond :: (Integer -> Bool)
, dest :: (Bool -> Int)
, counter :: Int
instance Show Monkey where
show (Monkey n i _ _ _ c) = "Monkey " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show c
instance Eq Monkey where
m1 == m2 = (name m1) == (name m2)
instance Ord Monkey where
compare m1 m2 = compare (counter m1) (counter m2)
parseOFunc :: [String] -> (Integer -> Integer)
parseOFunc ["+","old"] = (\x -> x + x)
parseOFunc ["+",num] = (\x -> x + n) where n = read num :: Integer
parseOFunc ["*","old"] = (\x -> x * x)
parseOFunc ["*",num] = (\x -> x * n) where n = read num :: Integer
parseTFunc :: String -> (Integer -> Bool)
parseTFunc divi = (\x -> (x `mod` d) == 0) where d = read divi :: Integer
parseMonkey :: [String] -> Monkey
parseMonkey xs = Monkey n i o t d 0
n = read [head $ drop 7 (xs !! 0)] :: Int
i = map (\x -> read x :: Integer) $ splitOn ", " $ drop 18 (xs !! 1)
o = parseOFunc $ splitOn " " $ drop 23 (xs !! 2)
t = parseTFunc $ last $ splitOn " " (xs !! 3)
d'= map (\x -> read (last $ splitOn " " x) :: Int) $ drop 4 xs
d = (\x -> if x then head d' else last d')
throw :: Monkey -> [(Integer,Int)] -> [Monkey] -> [Monkey]
throw (Monkey from _ _ _ de _) throws = map throwMod -- trace ("THROWS: " ++ show throws)
deT = de True
deF = de False
(thT,thF) = partition (\(_,y) -> y == deT) throws
toT = map (\(x,_) -> x) thT
toF = map (\(x,_) -> x) thF
throwMod m@(Monkey n i o t d c)
| n == from = Monkey n [] o t d (c + length throws)
| n == deT = Monkey n (i ++ toT) o t d c
| n == deF = Monkey n (i ++ toF) o t d c
| otherwise = m
applyTurn :: Integer -> Monkey -> [Monkey] -> [Monkey]
applyTurn wrd m@(Monkey n i o t d _) ms = nms -- trace ("NEW: " ++ show nms)
postInsp = map o i -- trace ("TURN: " ++ show m)
postBore = map (`div` wrd) postInsp
postTest = map t postBore
throwTo = map d postTest
nms = throw m (zip postBore throwTo) ms
applyTurns :: Integer -> [Monkey] -> [Monkey] -> [Monkey]
applyTurns _ [] ms = ms
applyTurns wrd (t:ts) ms = applyTurns wrd ts (applyTurn wrd (ms !! (name t)) ms)
handler :: String -> String
handler s = (show p1) ++ "\n" ++
(show p2) ++ "\n"
monkeys = map parseMonkey $ splitOn [""] $ lines s
turns = (\nt -> take (nt * length monkeys) $ concat $ repeat monkeys)
final1 = applyTurns 3 (turns 20) monkeys
final2 = applyTurns 1 (turns 10000) monkeys
topprod = product . map counter . take 2 . reverse . sort
[p1,p2] = map topprod [final1,final2]
main :: IO ()
main = do
interact handler