
730 lines
32 KiB

* @file stm32l4xx_hal_cryp.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief Header file of CRYP HAL module.
* @attention
* Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in
* the root directory of this software component.
* If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef STM32L4xx_HAL_CRYP_H
#define STM32L4xx_HAL_CRYP_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32l4xx_hal_def.h"
/** @addtogroup STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver
* @{
#if defined(AES)
/** @addtogroup CRYP
* @{
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Types CRYP Exported Types
* @{
* @brief CRYP Configuration Structure definition
typedef struct
uint32_t DataType; /*!< 32-bit data, 16-bit data, 8-bit data or 1-bit string.
This parameter can be a value of @ref CRYP_Data_Type */
uint32_t KeySize; /*!< 128 or 256-bit key length.
This parameter can be a value of @ref CRYP_Key_Size */
uint32_t OperatingMode; /*!< AES operating mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref CRYP_AES_OperatingMode */
uint32_t ChainingMode; /*!< AES chaining mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref CRYP_AES_ChainingMode */
uint32_t KeyWriteFlag; /*!< Allows to bypass or not key write-up before decryption.
This parameter can be a value of @ref CRYP_Key_Write */
uint32_t GCMCMACPhase; /*!< Indicates the processing phase of the Galois Counter Mode (GCM),
Galois Message Authentication Code (GMAC), Cipher Message
Authentication Code (CMAC) (when applicable) or Counter with Cipher
Mode (CCM) (when applicable).
This parameter can be a value of @ref CRYP_GCM_CMAC_Phase */
uint8_t* pKey; /*!< Encryption/Decryption Key */
uint8_t* pInitVect; /*!< Initialization Vector used for CTR, CBC, GCM/GMAC, CMAC (when applicable)
and CCM (when applicable) modes */
uint8_t* Header; /*!< Header used in GCM/GMAC, CMAC (when applicable) and CCM (when applicable) modes */
uint64_t HeaderSize; /*!< Header size in bytes */
* @brief HAL CRYP State structures definition
typedef enum
HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET = 0x00, /*!< CRYP not yet initialized or disabled */
HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY = 0x01, /*!< CRYP initialized and ready for use */
HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY = 0x02, /*!< CRYP internal processing is ongoing */
HAL_CRYP_STATE_TIMEOUT = 0x03, /*!< CRYP timeout state */
HAL_CRYP_STATE_ERROR = 0x04, /*!< CRYP error state */
HAL_CRYP_STATE_SUSPENDED = 0x05 /*!< CRYP suspended */
* @brief HAL CRYP phase structures definition
typedef enum
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY = 0x01, /*!< CRYP peripheral is ready for initialization. */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS = 0x02, /*!< CRYP peripheral is in processing phase */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_START = 0x03, /*!< CRYP peripheral has been initialized but
GCM/GMAC(/CMAC)(/CCM) initialization phase has not started */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_INIT_OVER = 0x04, /*!< GCM/GMAC(/CMAC)(/CCM) init phase has been carried out */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_HEADER_OVER = 0x05, /*!< GCM/GMAC(/CMAC)(/CCM) header phase has been carried out */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PAYLOAD_OVER = 0x06, /*!< GCM(/CCM) payload phase has been carried out */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_FINAL_OVER = 0x07, /*!< GCM/GMAC(/CMAC)(/CCM) final phase has been carried out */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_HEADER_SUSPENDED = 0x08, /*!< GCM/GMAC(/CMAC)(/CCM) header phase has been suspended */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PAYLOAD_SUSPENDED = 0x09, /*!< GCM(/CCM) payload phase has been suspended */
HAL_CRYP_PHASE_NOT_USED = 0x0a /*!< Phase is irrelevant to the current chaining mode */
* @brief HAL CRYP mode suspend definitions
typedef enum
HAL_CRYP_SUSPEND_NONE = 0x00, /*!< CRYP peripheral suspension not requested */
HAL_CRYP_SUSPEND = 0x01 /*!< CRYP peripheral suspension requested */
* @brief HAL CRYP Error Codes definition
#define HAL_CRYP_ERROR_NONE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< No error */
#define HAL_CRYP_WRITE_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< Write error */
#define HAL_CRYP_READ_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< Read error */
#define HAL_CRYP_DMA_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< DMA error */
#define HAL_CRYP_BUSY_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< Busy flag error */
#define HAL_CRYP_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK ((uint32_t)0x00000010U) /*!< Invalid Callback error */
* @brief HAL CRYP common Callback ID enumeration definition
typedef enum
HAL_CRYP_INPUTCPLT_CB_ID = 0x01U, /*!< CRYP input DMA transfer completion callback ID */
HAL_CRYP_OUTPUTCPLT_CB_ID = 0x02U, /*!< CRYP output DMA transfer completion callback ID */
HAL_CRYP_COMPCPLT_CB_ID = 0x03U, /*!< CRYP computation completion callback ID */
HAL_CRYP_ERROR_CB_ID = 0x04U, /*!< CRYP error callback ID */
HAL_CRYP_MSPINIT_CB_ID = 0x05U, /*!< CRYP MspInit callback ID */
HAL_CRYP_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID = 0x06U, /*!< CRYP MspDeInit callback ID */
* @brief CRYP handle Structure definition
typedef struct __CRYP_HandleTypeDef
AES_TypeDef *Instance; /*!< Register base address */
CRYP_InitTypeDef Init; /*!< CRYP initialization parameters */
uint8_t *pCrypInBuffPtr; /*!< Pointer to CRYP processing (encryption, decryption,...) input buffer */
uint8_t *pCrypOutBuffPtr; /*!< Pointer to CRYP processing (encryption, decryption,...) output buffer */
uint32_t CrypInCount; /*!< Input data size in bytes or, after suspension, the remaining
number of bytes to process */
uint32_t CrypOutCount; /*!< Output data size in bytes */
HAL_PhaseTypeDef Phase; /*!< CRYP peripheral processing phase for GCM, GMAC, CMAC (when applicable)
or CCM (when applicable) modes.
Indicates the last phase carried out to ease
phase transitions */
DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdmain; /*!< CRYP peripheral Input DMA handle parameters */
DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdmaout; /*!< CRYP peripheral Output DMA handle parameters */
HAL_LockTypeDef Lock; /*!< CRYP locking object */
__IO HAL_CRYP_STATETypeDef State; /*!< CRYP peripheral state */
__IO uint32_t ErrorCode; /*!< CRYP peripheral error code */
HAL_SuspendTypeDef SuspendRequest; /*!< CRYP peripheral suspension request flag */
void (* InCpltCallback)( struct __CRYP_HandleTypeDef * hcryp); /*!< CRYP input DMA transfer completion callback */
void (* OutCpltCallback)( struct __CRYP_HandleTypeDef * hcryp); /*!< CRYP output DMA transfer completion callback */
void (* CompCpltCallback)( struct __CRYP_HandleTypeDef * hcryp); /*!< CRYP computation completion callback */
void (* ErrorCallback)( struct __CRYP_HandleTypeDef * hcryp); /*!< CRYP error callback */
void (* MspInitCallback)( struct __CRYP_HandleTypeDef * hcryp); /*!< CRYP Msp Init callback */
void (* MspDeInitCallback)( struct __CRYP_HandleTypeDef * hcryp); /*!< CRYP Msp DeInit callback */
* @brief HAL CRYP Callback pointer definition
typedef void (*pCRYP_CallbackTypeDef)(CRYP_HandleTypeDef * hcryp); /*!< pointer to a CRYP common callback functions */
* @}
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Constants CRYP Exported Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup CRYP_Key_Size Key size selection
* @{
#define CRYP_KEYSIZE_128B ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< 128-bit long key */
#define CRYP_KEYSIZE_256B AES_CR_KEYSIZE /*!< 256-bit long key */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_Data_Type AES Data Type selection
* @{
#define CRYP_DATATYPE_32B ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< 32-bit data type (no swapping) */
#define CRYP_DATATYPE_16B AES_CR_DATATYPE_0 /*!< 16-bit data type (half-word swapping) */
#define CRYP_DATATYPE_8B AES_CR_DATATYPE_1 /*!< 8-bit data type (byte swapping) */
#define CRYP_DATATYPE_1B AES_CR_DATATYPE /*!< 1-bit data type (bit swapping) */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_AES_State AES Enable state
* @{
#define CRYP_AES_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Disable AES */
#define CRYP_AES_ENABLE AES_CR_EN /*!< Enable AES */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_AES_OperatingMode AES operating mode
* @{
#define CRYP_ALGOMODE_ENCRYPT ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Encryption mode */
#define CRYP_ALGOMODE_KEYDERIVATION AES_CR_MODE_0 /*!< Key derivation mode */
#define CRYP_ALGOMODE_DECRYPT AES_CR_MODE_1 /*!< Decryption */
#define CRYP_ALGOMODE_KEYDERIVATION_DECRYPT AES_CR_MODE /*!< Key derivation and decryption */
#define CRYP_ALGOMODE_TAG_GENERATION ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< GMAC or CMAC (when applicable) authentication tag generation */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_AES_ChainingMode AES chaining mode
* @{
#define CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_ECB ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Electronic codebook chaining algorithm */
#define CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_CBC AES_CR_CHMOD_0 /*!< Cipher block chaining algorithm */
#define CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_CTR AES_CR_CHMOD_1 /*!< Counter mode chaining algorithm */
#define CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_GCM_GMAC (AES_CR_CHMOD_0 | AES_CR_CHMOD_1) /*!< Galois counter mode - Galois message authentication code */
#if defined(AES_CR_NPBLB)
#define CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_CCM AES_CR_CHMOD_2 /*!< Counter with Cipher Mode */
#define CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_CMAC AES_CR_CHMOD_2 /*!< Cipher message authentication code */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_Key_Write AES decryption key write-up flag
* @{
#define CRYP_KEY_WRITE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Enable decryption key writing */
#define CRYP_KEY_WRITE_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< Disable decryption key writing */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_DMAIN DMA Input phase management enable state
* @{
#define CRYP_DMAIN_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Disable DMA Input phase management */
#define CRYP_DMAIN_ENABLE AES_CR_DMAINEN /*!< Enable DMA Input phase management */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_DMAOUT DMA Output phase management enable state
* @{
#define CRYP_DMAOUT_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Disable DMA Output phase management */
#define CRYP_DMAOUT_ENABLE AES_CR_DMAOUTEN /*!< Enable DMA Output phase management */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_GCM_CMAC_Phase GCM/GMAC and CCM/CMAC (when applicable) processing phase selection
* @{
#define CRYP_GCM_INIT_PHASE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< GCM/GMAC (or CCM) init phase */
#define CRYP_GCM_PAYLOAD_PHASE AES_CR_GCMPH_1 /*!< GCM/CCM payload phase */
/* Definitions duplication for code readibility's sake:
supported or not supported chain modes are not specified for each phase */
#define CRYP_INIT_PHASE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Init phase */
#define CRYP_HEADER_PHASE AES_CR_GCMPH_0 /*!< Header phase */
#define CRYP_PAYLOAD_PHASE AES_CR_GCMPH_1 /*!< Payload phase */
#define CRYP_FINAL_PHASE AES_CR_GCMPH /*!< Final phase */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_Flags AES status flags
* @{
#define CRYP_FLAG_BUSY AES_SR_BUSY /*!< GCM process suspension forbidden */
#define CRYP_FLAG_WRERR AES_SR_WRERR /*!< Write Error */
#define CRYP_FLAG_RDERR AES_SR_RDERR /*!< Read error */
#define CRYP_FLAG_CCF AES_SR_CCF /*!< Computation completed */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_Clear_Flags AES clearing flags
* @{
#define CRYP_CCF_CLEAR AES_CR_CCFC /*!< Computation Complete Flag Clear */
#define CRYP_ERR_CLEAR AES_CR_ERRC /*!< Error Flag Clear */
* @}
/** @defgroup AES_Interrupts_Enable AES Interrupts Enable bits
* @{
#define CRYP_IT_CCFIE AES_CR_CCFIE /*!< Computation Complete interrupt enable */
#define CRYP_IT_ERRIE AES_CR_ERRIE /*!< Error interrupt enable */
* @}
/** @defgroup CRYP_Interrupts_Flags AES Interrupts flags
* @{
#define CRYP_IT_WRERR AES_SR_WRERR /*!< Write Error */
#define CRYP_IT_RDERR AES_SR_RDERR /*!< Read Error */
#define CRYP_IT_CCF AES_SR_CCF /*!< Computation completed */
* @}
* @}
/* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Macros CRYP Exported Macros
* @{
/** @brief Reset CRYP handle state.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @retval None
(__HANDLE__)->MspInitCallback = NULL; \
(__HANDLE__)->MspDeInitCallback = NULL; \
* @brief Enable the CRYP AES peripheral.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @retval None
#define __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(__HANDLE__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR |= AES_CR_EN)
* @brief Disable the CRYP AES peripheral.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @retval None
#define __HAL_CRYP_DISABLE(__HANDLE__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR &= ~AES_CR_EN)
* @brief Set the algorithm operating mode.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __OPERATING_MODE__ specifies the operating mode
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_ALGOMODE_ENCRYPT encryption
* @arg @ref CRYP_ALGOMODE_KEYDERIVATION key derivation
* @arg @ref CRYP_ALGOMODE_DECRYPT decryption
* @arg @ref CRYP_ALGOMODE_KEYDERIVATION_DECRYPT key derivation and decryption
* @retval None
* @brief Set the algorithm chaining mode.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __CHAINING_MODE__ specifies the chaining mode
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_ECB Electronic CodeBook
* @arg @ref CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_CBC Cipher Block Chaining
* @arg @ref CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_CTR CounTeR mode
* @arg @ref CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_GCM_GMAC Galois Counter Mode or Galois Message Authentication Code
* @arg @ref CRYP_CHAINMODE_AES_CMAC Cipher Message Authentication Code (or Counter with Cipher Mode when applicable)
* @retval None
/** @brief Check whether the specified CRYP status flag is set or not.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __FLAG__ specifies the flag to check.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_FLAG_BUSY GCM process suspension forbidden
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_WRERR Write Error
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_RDERR Read Error
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_CCF Computation Complete
* @retval The state of __FLAG__ (TRUE or FALSE).
#define __HAL_CRYP_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->SR & (__FLAG__)) == (__FLAG__))
/** @brief Clear the CRYP pending status flag.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __FLAG__ specifies the flag to clear.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_ERR_CLEAR Read (RDERR) or Write Error (WRERR) Flag Clear
* @arg @ref CRYP_CCF_CLEAR Computation Complete Flag (CCF) Clear
* @retval None
#define __HAL_CRYP_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR, (__FLAG__))
/** @brief Check whether the specified CRYP interrupt source is enabled or not.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __INTERRUPT__ CRYP interrupt source to check
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_ERRIE Error interrupt (used for RDERR and WRERR)
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_CCFIE Computation Complete interrupt
* @retval State of interruption (TRUE or FALSE).
#define __HAL_CRYP_GET_IT_SOURCE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR & (__INTERRUPT__)) == (__INTERRUPT__))
/** @brief Check whether the specified CRYP interrupt is set or not.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __INTERRUPT__ specifies the interrupt to check.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_WRERR Write Error
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_RDERR Read Error
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_CCF Computation Complete
* @retval The state of __INTERRUPT__ (TRUE or FALSE).
#define __HAL_CRYP_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->SR & (__INTERRUPT__)) == (__INTERRUPT__))
/** @brief Clear the CRYP pending interrupt.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __INTERRUPT__ specifies the IT to clear.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_ERR_CLEAR Read (RDERR) or Write Error (WRERR) Flag Clear
* @arg @ref CRYP_CCF_CLEAR Computation Complete Flag (CCF) Clear
* @retval None
#define __HAL_CRYP_CLEAR_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR, (__INTERRUPT__))
* @brief Enable the CRYP interrupt.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __INTERRUPT__ CRYP Interrupt.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_ERRIE Error interrupt (used for RDERR and WRERR)
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_CCFIE Computation Complete interrupt
* @retval None
#define __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR) |= (__INTERRUPT__))
* @brief Disable the CRYP interrupt.
* @param __HANDLE__ specifies the CRYP handle.
* @param __INTERRUPT__ CRYP Interrupt.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_ERRIE Error interrupt (used for RDERR and WRERR)
* @arg @ref CRYP_IT_CCFIE Computation Complete interrupt
* @retval None
#define __HAL_CRYP_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR) &= ~(__INTERRUPT__))
* @}
/* Private macros --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup CRYP_Private_Macros CRYP Private Macros
* @{
* @brief Verify the key size length.
* @param __KEYSIZE__ Ciphering/deciphering algorithm key size.
* @retval SET (__KEYSIZE__ is a valid value) or RESET (__KEYSIZE__ is invalid)
#define IS_CRYP_KEYSIZE(__KEYSIZE__) (((__KEYSIZE__) == CRYP_KEYSIZE_128B) || \
* @brief Verify the input data type.
* @param __DATATYPE__ Ciphering/deciphering algorithm input data type.
* @retval SET (__DATATYPE__ is valid) or RESET (__DATATYPE__ is invalid)
((__DATATYPE__) == CRYP_DATATYPE_16B) || \
* @brief Verify the CRYP AES IP running mode.
* @param __MODE__ CRYP AES IP running mode.
* @retval SET (__MODE__ is valid) or RESET (__MODE__ is invalid)
#define IS_CRYP_AES(__MODE__) (((__MODE__) == CRYP_AES_DISABLE) || \
* @brief Verify the selected CRYP algorithm.
* @param __ALGOMODE__ Selected CRYP algorithm (ciphering, deciphering, key derivation or a combination of the latter).
* @retval SET (__ALGOMODE__ is valid) or RESET (__ALGOMODE__ is invalid)
* @brief Verify the selected CRYP chaining algorithm.
* @param __CHAINMODE__ Selected CRYP chaining algorithm.
* @retval SET (__CHAINMODE__ is valid) or RESET (__CHAINMODE__ is invalid)
#if defined(AES_CR_NPBLB)
* @brief Verify the deciphering key write option.
* @param __WRITE__ deciphering key write option.
* @retval SET (__WRITE__ is valid) or RESET (__WRITE__ is invalid)
* @brief Verify the CRYP input data DMA mode.
* @param __MODE__ CRYP input data DMA mode.
* @retval SET (__MODE__ is valid) or RESET (__MODE__ is invalid)
#define IS_CRYP_DMAIN(__MODE__) (((__MODE__) == CRYP_DMAIN_DISABLE) || \
* @brief Verify the CRYP output data DMA mode.
* @param __MODE__ CRYP output data DMA mode.
* @retval SET (__MODE__ is valid) or RESET (__MODE__ is invalid)
#define IS_CRYP_DMAOUT(__MODE__) (((__MODE__) == CRYP_DMAOUT_DISABLE) || \
* @brief Verify the CRYP AES ciphering/deciphering/authentication algorithm phase.
* @param __PHASE__ CRYP AES ciphering/deciphering/authentication algorithm phase.
* @retval SET (__PHASE__ is valid) or RESET (__PHASE__ is invalid)
* @}
/* Include CRYP HAL Extended module */
#include "stm32l4xx_hal_cryp_ex.h"
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup CRYP_Exported_Functions CRYP Exported Functions
* @{
/** @addtogroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and deinitialization functions
* @{
/* Initialization/de-initialization functions ********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_Init(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_DeInit(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
/* MSP initialization/de-initialization functions ****************************/
void HAL_CRYP_MspInit(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
void HAL_CRYP_MspDeInit(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
* @}
/** @addtogroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group2 AES processing functions
* @{
/* AES encryption/decryption processing functions ****************************/
/* AES encryption/decryption using polling ***********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Decrypt(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Encrypt(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Decrypt(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Encrypt(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Decrypt(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint32_t Timeout);
/* AES encryption/decryption using interrupt *********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Encrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Encrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Decrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Decrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Decrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData);
/* AES encryption/decryption using DMA ***************************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Decrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Encrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Decrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Encrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Decrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData);
* @}
/** @addtogroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group3 Callback functions
* @{
/* CallBack functions ********************************************************/
void HAL_CRYP_InCpltCallback(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
void HAL_CRYP_OutCpltCallback(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
void HAL_CRYP_ErrorCallback(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
/* Callbacks Register/UnRegister functions ***********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_RegisterCallback(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, HAL_CRYP_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pCRYP_CallbackTypeDef pCallback);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_UnRegisterCallback(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, HAL_CRYP_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID);
* @}
/** @addtogroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group4 CRYP IRQ handler
* @{
/* AES interrupt handling function *******************************************/
void HAL_CRYP_IRQHandler(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
* @}
/** @addtogroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group5 Peripheral State functions
* @{
/* Peripheral State functions ************************************************/
HAL_CRYP_STATETypeDef HAL_CRYP_GetState(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
uint32_t HAL_CRYP_GetError(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
* @}
* @}
* @}
#endif /* AES */
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* STM32L4xx_HAL_CRYP_H */