jvblanck 895280cb5a Don't send data if display is disconnected
Otherwise, we're waiting 1s on pretty much any call to the display. If
the display gets disconnected at the start of the `update_display()`
function, that can mean quite the delay.

It's possible that this delay triggers a watchdog timer that blinks the
LEDs, but there doesn't appear to be any watchdog timer configured.
2021-07-18 18:27:47 +02:00

435 lines
14 KiB

// Library for controlling Electronic Assembly eDIPTFT displays
// Copyright (c) 2013 Stefan Gofferje. All rights reserved.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
// details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
// Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
// Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef EDIPTFT_h
#define EDIPTFT_h
#include "Arduino.h"
#define EDIP128 1
#define EDIP160 1
#define EDIP240 1
#define EDIP320 2
//Set your device
#define DEVICE EDIP320
#define COORD_SIZE DEVICE //Byte count for coordinates
#define SERIAL_DEV Serial3
#define EA_BLACK 1
#define EA_BLUE 2
#define EA_RED 3
#define EA_GREEN 4
#define EA_PURPLE 5
#define EA_CYAN 6
#define EA_YELLOW 7
#define EA_WHITE 8
#define EA_DARKGREY 9
#define EA_ORANGE 10
#define EA_LILA 11
#define EA_DARKPURPLE 12
#define EA_MINT 13
#define EA_GRASSGREEN 14
#define EA_LIGHTBLUE 15
#define EA_LIGHTGREY 16
// Fonts
#define EA_FONT8X8 0
#define EA_FONT4X6 1
#define EA_FONT6X8 2
#define EA_FONT7X12 3
#define EA_GENEVA10 4
#define EA_CHICAGO14 5
#define EA_SWISS30B 6
#define EA_BIGZIF57 7
#define NAK 0x15
#define ACK 0x06
#define ESC 0x1B
#define uint unsigned int
class EDIPTFT {
EDIPTFT(boolean smallprotocol=true, boolean disconnected=false);
boolean disconnected;
void begin(long baud=115200);
// helper functions
char readByte();
char waitandreadByte();
unsigned char datainBuffer();
int readBuffer(char* data);
void smallProtoSelect(char address);
void smallProtoDeselect(char address);
void sendData(char* data, char len);
// Basic display functions
/*! \brief Clear display
* Clear display contents (all pixels off) and remove touch areas
void clear();
/*! \brief Delete display
* Delete display contents (all pixels off). Touch areas are still active.
void deleteDisplay();
/*! \brief Invert display
* Invert display contents (invert all pixels)
void invert();
void setDisplayColor(char fg, char bg);
void fillDisplayColor(char bg);
/*! \brief Terminal on
* Terminal display is switched on if \a on is true
* \param on determine if terminal is switched on
void terminalOn(boolean on);
/*! \brief Load internal image
* Load internal image with the \a nr (0..255) from the *EEPROM* memory to
* \a x1, \a y1
* \param x1 x position of image on the display
* \param y1 y position of image on the display
* \param nr number of the image on the *EEPROM*
void loadImage(int x1, int y1, int nr);
/*! \brief Cursor on/off
* Switch cursor on/off
* \param on `n1=0`: cursor is invisible, `n1=1`: cursor flashes
void cursorOn(boolean on);
/*! \brief Position cursor
* origin upper-left corner `(1, 1)`
* \param col new cursor column
* \param row new cursor row
void setCursor(char col, char row);
void displayLight(char no);
// Bargraph
/*! \brief Define bargraph
* Define bargraph to form the rectangle enclosing the
* bargraph. \a sv and \a ev are the values for `0%` and `100%`.
* \param dir direction ('L'eft, 'R'ight, 'O'up, 'U'down)
* \param no bargraph number `1..32`
* \param x1 upper left x coordinate
* \param y1 upper left y coordinate
* \param x2 lower right x coordinate
* \param y2 lower right y coordinate
* \param sv start value (0%)
* \param ev end value (100%)
* \param type set the style of the bargraph:\n
* `type=0`: pattern bar, \a mst=bar pattern,\n
* `type=1`: pattern bar in rectangle, \a mst=bar pattern,\n
* `type=2`: pattern line, \a mst=line width,\n
* `type=3`: pattern line in rectangle, \a mst=line width
* \param mst additional parameter for type specification
void defineBargraph(char dir, char no, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
byte sv, byte ev, char type, char mst);
/*! \brief Update bargraph
* Set and draw the bargraph *no* to the new *value*
* \param no number of the bargraph `1..32`
* \param val new value of the bargraph
void updateBargraph(char no, char val);
void setBargraphColor(char no, char fg, char bg, char fr);
/*! \brief Set bargraph by touch
* The bargraph with number *no* is defined for input by touch panel
* \param no number of the bargraph `1..32`
void makeBargraphTouch(char no);
void linkBargraphLight(char no);
/*! \brief Delete bargraph
* The definition of the bargraph with number *no* becomes invalid. If the
* bargraph was defined as input with touch, the touchfield will also be
* deleted.
* \param no number of the bargraph `1..32`
* \param n1 additional parameter\n
* `n1=0`: bargraph remains visible\n
* `n1=1`: bargraph is deleted
void deleteBargraph(char no, char n1);
// Instrument
void defineInstrument(char no, int x1, int y1, char image,
char angle, char sv, char ev);
void updateInstrument(char no, char val);
void redrawInstrument(char no);
void deleteInstrument(char no, char n1, char n2);
// Text
void setTextColor(char fg, char bg);
/*! \brief Set font
* Set font with the number *font*
* \param font font number `font=0..15`, use font defines here
void setTextFont(char font);
void setTextSize(int xsize, int ysize);
/*! \brief Set text angle
* Set text output angle
* \param angle text output angle\n
`angle=0`: 0°
`angle=1`: 90°
void setTextAngle(char angle);
/*! \brief Draw text on display
* Draw a *text* on screen. Several lines are separated by the character `|`
* ($7C).
* * place text between `~`: characters flash on/off
* * place text between `@`: characters flash inversely
* * use `\\` as to escape special characters
* \param x1: x coordinate
* \param y1: y coordinate
* \param justification set text justification to `L`(eft), `R`(ight),
* `C`(enter)
* \param text text to draw on display
void drawText(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, char justification, const char* text);
// Rectangle and Line
void setLineColor(char fg, char bg);
/*! \brief Point size/line thickness
* \param x x-point size (1..15)
* \param y y-point size (1..15)
void setLineThick(char x, char y);
/*! \brief Draw straight line
* Draw straight line from point *x1*, *y1* to point *x2*, *y2*
void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
/*! \brief Draw rectangle
* Draw four straight lines as a rectangle from *x1*, *y1* to *x2*, *y2*
void drawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void drawRectf(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, char color);
// Touch keys
/*! \brief Define touch key
* Key remains pressed as long as there is contact. The area from *x1*, *y1*
* to *x2*, *y2* is drawn with actual border and defined as a key.
* The label is drawn with the current touch font. The first character
* determines the alignment of the text (`L`(eft), `R`(ight), `C`(enter)).
* Multiline texts are separated by the character `|`.
* \param down return/touchmacro (1-255) if pressed
* \param up return/touchmacro (1-255) if released
* \param text label of the touch key
void defineTouchKey(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
char down, char up, const char* text);
/*! \brief Define touch switch
* Status of the switch toggles after each contact. The area from *x1*, *y1*
* to *x2*, *y2* is drawn with actual border and defined as a key.
* The label is drawn with the current touch font. The first character
* determines the alignment of the text (`L`(eft), `R`(ight), `C`(enter)).
* Multiline texts are separated by the character `|`.
* \param down return/touchmacro (1-255) if pressed
* \param up return/touchmacro (1-255) if released
* \param text label of the touch key
void defineTouchSwitch(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
char down, char up, const char* text);
/*! \brief Define touch switch with image
* Status of the switch toggles after each contact. Image number *img* is
* loaded to *x*, *y* and defined as a switch.
* The label is drawn with the current touch font. The first character
* determines the alignment of the text (`L`(eft), `R`(ight), `C`(enter)).
* Multiline texts are separated by the character `|`.
* \param down return/touchmacro (1-255) if pressed
* \param up return/touchmacro (1-255) if released
* \param text label of the touch switch
void defineTouchSwitch(int x, int y, int img, char downcode,
char upcode, const char* text);
/*! \brief Set touch switch
* Set the status of the touch switch with the return code *code*
* to *value*.
* \param code Return code of the switch
* \param value `value=0`: OFF, `value=1`: ON
void setTouchSwitch(char code,char value);
void setTouchkeyColors(char n1, char n2, char n3,
char s1, char s2, char s3);
/*! \brief Label font
* Apply font with number *font* for touch key labels
void setTouchkeyFont(char font);
void setTouchkeyLabelColors(char nf,char sf);
/*! \brief Radio group for switches
* `group=0`: newly defined switches don't belong to a group
* `group=1..255`: newly defined switches are assigned to the group with
* the given number
* Only one switch in a group is active at once. All others are deactivated.
* For switches only the *down code* is applicable. The *up code* will be
* ignored.
void setTouchGroup(char group);
/*! \brief Delete toch area by up- or downcode
* The touch area with the return code is removed from the touch query
* \param code the code of the touch area (code=0: all touch areas)
* \param n1 n1==0: the area remains visible on the display,
* n1==1: the area is deleted
void removeTouchArea(char code,char n1);
// Macro Calls
/*! \brief Run macro
* Call the (normal) macro with number *nr* (max. 7 levels).
void callMacro(uint nr);
/*! \brief Run touch macro
* Call touch macro with number *nr* (max. 7 levels)
void callTouchMacro(uint nr);
/*! \brief Run menu macro
* Call menu macro with number *nr* (max. 7 levels)
void callMenuMacro(uint nr);
/*! \brief Define touch key with menu function
* Define the area from *x1*, *y1* to *x2*, *y2* as a menu key.
* The first character determines the direction in which the menu opens (R=right,L=left,O=up,U=down)
* The second character determines the alignment of the touch text (C=center,L=left-,R=right justified)
* The menu items are separated by the character '|' ($7C,dec:124) (e.g. "UCkey|item1|item2|item3".
* The key text is written with the current touch font and the menu items are written with the current menu font. The background of the menu is saved automatically.
* \param downcode `1-255` return/touchmacro if pressed
* \param upcode `1-255` return/touchmacro if released
* \param mnucode return/menumacro+(item nr - 1) after selection of a
* menu item
* \param text string with the key text and menu items
void defineTouchMenu(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
char downcode, char upcode, char mnucode,
const char *text);
/*! \brief Send *open* signal after a Menu open request has been sent from TFT.
* If a touch menu is not set to open automatically the TFT sends a
* request 'ESC T 0'. This function sends 'ESC N T 2' to open the menu.
void openTouchMenu();
/*! \brief Set menu font
* Set font with number *font* (`0..15`) for menu display
void setMenuFont(char font);
/*! \brief enable/disable touchmenu automation
* if val==true touch menu opens automatically, if val==false touchmenu
* doesn' t open automatically, instead a request is sent to the
* host computer, which can then open the menu with openTouchMenu()
void setTouchMenuAutomation(bool val);
boolean _smallprotocol;
int _counter;
unsigned char bytesAvailable();
void waitBytesAvailable();
void sendByte(char data);
void sendSmall(char* data, char len);
void sendSmallDC2(char* data, char len);