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* Copyright (c) 2018(-2023) STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This file is part of the TouchGFX 4.21.2 distribution.
* This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in
* the root directory of this software component.
* If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
* @file touchgfx/Bitmap.hpp
* Declares the touchgfx::Bitmap class.
#include <touchgfx/hal/Types.hpp>
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 6000000)
// Keil5 compiler issues irrelevant warning relating to missing ctor initialization for BitmapData.
#pragma diag_suppress 368
namespace touchgfx
* This type shall be used by the application to define unique IDs for all bitmaps in the
* system. The application shall define bitmap IDs in the range [0, number of bitmaps -
* 1].
typedef uint16_t BitmapId;
const BitmapId BITMAP_ANIMATION_STORAGE = 0xFFFEU; ///< A virtual id representing animation storage.
const BitmapId BITMAP_INVALID = 0xFFFFU; ///< Define the bitmapId of an invalid bitmap
* This class provides a proxy object for a bitmap image stored in the application specific
* bitmap database. The proxy provides access to the raw bitmap data as well as metadata.
class Bitmap
/** Color data of a clut can be stored in the following formats. */
enum ClutFormat
CLUT_FORMAT_L8_ARGB8888, ///< 32-bit, 8 bits for each of red, green, blue and alpha
CLUT_FORMAT_L8_RGB888, ///< 24-bit, 8 bits for each of red, green and blue. No per pixel alpha channel
CLUT_FORMAT_L8_RGB565 ///< 16-bit, 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green, 5 bits for blue. No per pixel alpha channel
/** Data of a bitmap can be stored in the following formats. */
enum BitmapFormat
RGB565, ///< 16-bit, 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green, 5 bits for blue. No alpha channel
RGB888, ///< 24-bit, 8 bits for each of red, green and blue. No alpha channel
ARGB8888, ///< 32-bit, 8 bits for each of red, green, blue and alpha channel
BW, ///< 1-bit, black / white. No alpha channel
BW_RLE, ///< 1-bit, black / white. No alpha channel. Image is compressed with horizontal RLE
GRAY2, ///< 2-bit grayscale
GRAY4, ///< 4-bit grayscale
ARGB2222, ///< 8-bit color
ABGR2222, ///< 8-bit color
RGBA2222, ///< 8-bit color
BGRA2222, ///< 8-bit color
L8, ///< 8-bit indexed color
A4, ///< 4-bit alpha level
CUSTOM ///< Non-standard platform specific format
/** Data of a bitmap. */
struct BitmapData
const uint8_t* const data; ///< The data of this Bitmap
const uint8_t* const extraData; ///< The data of either the alpha channel (if present) or clut data in case of indexed color bitmap. 0 if not used
const uint16_t width; ///< The width of the Bitmap
const uint16_t height; ///< The height of the Bitmap
const uint16_t solidRect_x; ///< The x coordinate of the maximum solid rectangle of the Bitmap
const uint16_t solidRect_y; ///< The y coordinate of the maximum solid rectangle of the Bitmap
const uint16_t solidRect_width : 13; ///< The width of the maximum solid rectangle of the Bitmap
const uint16_t format_hi : 3; ///< Determine the format of the data (high 3 bits)
const uint16_t solidRect_height : 13; ///< The height of the maximum solid rectangle of the Bitmap
const uint16_t format_lo : 3; ///< Determine the format of the data (low 3 bits)
* Gets the Bitmap format by combining the high and low parts (format_hi << 3) | format_lo.
* @return The BitmapFormat
BitmapFormat getFormat() const
return (BitmapFormat)((format_hi << 3) | format_lo);
/** Data of a dynamic Bitmap. */
struct DynamicBitmapData
Rect solid; ///< The solidRect of this Bitmap
uint16_t width; ///< The width of the Bitmap
uint16_t height; ///< The height of the Bitmap
uint8_t format : 5; ///< Determine the format of the data
uint8_t inuse : 1; ///< Zero if not in use
uint8_t extra : 2; ///< Extra data field, dependent on format
uint8_t customSubformat; ///< Custom format specifier (or L8 palette length)
/** Cache bookkeeping. */
struct CacheTableEntry
uint8_t* data; ///< Pointer to location of image data for this Bitmap in the cache. 0 if bitmap not cached.
* Creates and binds a Bitmap instance to the corresponding entry in the BitmapData
* array.
* @param id (Optional) The unique bitmap identifier.
Bitmap(const BitmapId id = BITMAP_INVALID)
: bitmapId(id)
* Gets the id of this Bitmap.
* @return The id of this Bitmap.
BitmapId getId() const
assert(bitmaps != 0 && "Bitmap database has not been initialized.");
return bitmapId;
* Gets the id of this Bitmap.
* @return The id of this Bitmap.
operator BitmapId() const
return getId();
* Gets a pointer to the Bitmap data.
* @return A pointer to the raw Bitmap data.
* @note If this Bitmap is cached, it will return the cached version of Bitmap data.
const uint8_t* getData() const;
* Gets a pointer to the extra (alpha) data, if present in the Bitmap. For images stored
* in L8 format, a pointer to the CLUT will be returned. For non-opaque RGB565 images, a
* pointer to the alpha channel will be returned.
* @return A pointer to the raw alpha channel data or CLUT. If no alpha channel or CLUT
* exist for the given Bitmap, 0 is returned.
* @note If this Bitmap is cached, it will return the cached version of alpha data for this
* Bitmap.
const uint8_t* getExtraData() const;
* Gets the format of how the Bitmap is stored.
* @return The format of how the Bitmap data is stored.
BitmapFormat getFormat() const;
* Gets the width of the Bitmap in pixels.
* @return The Bitmap width in pixels.
int16_t getWidth() const;
* Gets the height of the Bitmap in pixels.
* @return The Bitmap height in pixels.
int16_t getHeight() const;
* Gets the rectangle describing the dimensions of the Bitmap.
* @return a Rect describing the dimensions of this Bitmap.
Rect getRect() const
return Rect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
* Query if this object has an alpha channel.
* @return True if the bitmap contains an alpha channel (an alpha value for each pixel)
bool isAlphaPerPixel() const
assert(bitmaps != 0 && "Bitmap database has not been initialized.");
if (getFormat() == L8)
return false; // No Alpha channel for indexed L8 bitmaps
return ((bitmaps != 0) && (bitmapId < numberOfBitmaps)) ? (bitmaps[bitmapId].extraData != 0) : false;
* Gets the largest solid, i.e. not transparent, rectangle in the Bitmap.
* @return The maximum solid rectangle of the Bitmap.
Rect getSolidRect() const;
* Query if this object has transparent pixels.
* @return True if this bitmap has transparent pixels.
bool hasTransparentPixels() const;
* Registers an array of bitmaps. All Bitmap instances are bound to this database. This
* function is called automatically from HAL::touchgfx_generic_init().
* @param data A reference to the BitmapData storage array.
* @param n The number of bitmaps in the array.
* @param [in] cachep (Optional) Pointer to memory region in which bitmap
* data can be cached.
* @param csize (Optional) Size of cache memory region in bytes (0 if
* unused)
* @param numberOfDynamicBitmaps (Optional) Number of dynamic bitmaps to be allowed in
* the cache.
static void registerBitmapDatabase(const BitmapData* data, const uint16_t n, uint16_t* cachep = 0, uint32_t csize = 0,
uint32_t numberOfDynamicBitmaps = 0);
* Cache this Bitmap into unused RAM in the bitmap cache. A memory region large enough
* to hold this bitmap must be configured and a large enough part of it must be
* available. Caching of a bitmap may involve a defragmentation of the bitmap cache.
* @param id The id of the Bitmap to cache.
* @return true if caching went well, false otherwise.
* @see registerBitmapDatabase, compactCache
static bool cache(BitmapId id);
* Replace a Bitmap in RAM with another Bitmap. The Bitmaps must have same size.
* @param out The id of the Bitmap to remove from the cache.
* @param in The id of the Bitmap to cache.
* @return true if the replacement went well, false otherwise.
static bool cacheReplaceBitmap(BitmapId out, BitmapId in);
* Remove this Bitmap from the RAM cache. Unless the Bitmap is
* otherwise stored in (slower) memory it can not be drawn anymore
* and must be cached again before use. The RAM freed can be used
* for caching of another bitmap.
* @param id The id of the Bitmap to cache.
* @return true if Bitmap was found and removed, false otherwise.
* @see registerBitmapDatabase
static bool cacheRemoveBitmap(BitmapId id);
* Get address of cache buffer for this Bitmap.
* @param id The id of the Bitmap in cache.
* @return Address if Bitmap was found, zero otherwise.
* @note The address is only valid until next Bitmap::cache() call.
static uint8_t* cacheGetAddress(BitmapId id);
* Check if the Bitmap is cached.
* @param id The id of the Bitmap.
* @return true if Bitmap is cached.
static bool cacheIsCached(BitmapId id);
* Cache all bitmaps from the Bitmap Database into RAM. A memory region large enough to
* hold all bitmaps must be configured.
* @return True if all bitmaps where cached.
* @see cache
static bool cacheAll();
/** Clears the cached bitmaps from RAM. */
static void clearCache();
* Create a dynamic Bitmap. The clutFormat parameter is ignored for bitmaps not in L8 format
* (consider using dynamicBitmapCreateL8 instead). Creation of a new dynamic bitmap may cause
* existing dynamic bitmaps to be moved in memory. Do not rely on bitmap memory addresses of
* dynamic bitmaps obtained from dynamicBitmapGetAddress() to be valid across calls to
* dynamicBitmapCreate().
* @param width Width of the Bitmap.
* @param height Height of the Bitmap.
* @param format Bitmap format of the Bitmap.
* @param clutFormat (Optional) Color LookUp Table format of the Bitmap (only used if format
* is Bitmap::L8).
* @return BitmapId of the new Bitmap or #BITMAP_INVALID if cache memory is full.
* @see DynamicBitmapData, dynamicBitmapCreateL8, dynamicBitmapCreateCopy
static BitmapId dynamicBitmapCreate(const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, BitmapFormat format, ClutFormat clutFormat = CLUT_FORMAT_L8_ARGB8888);
* Create a dynamic Bitmap as a copy of an existing bitmap.
* @param id The ID of the bitmap to copy.
* @return BitmapId of the new Bitmap or #BITMAP_INVALID if cache memory is full.
* @see dynamicBitmapCreate
static BitmapId dynamicBitmapCreateCopy(const BitmapId id);
* Create a dynamic L8 Bitmap. Creation of a new dynamic bitmap may cause existing dynamic
* bitmaps to be moved in memory. Do not rely on bitmap memory addresses of dynamic bitmaps
* obtained from dynamicBitmapGetAddress() to be valid across calls to dynamicBitmapCreate().
* @param width Width of the Bitmap.
* @param height Height of the Bitmap.
* @param clutFormat Color LookUp Table format of the L8 Bitmap.
* @param clutSize (Optional) Color LookUp Table palette size (default=256).
* @return BitmapId of the new Bitmap or #BITMAP_INVALID if cache memory is full.
* @see DynamicBitmapData, dynamicBitmapCreate
static BitmapId dynamicBitmapCreateL8(const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, ClutFormat clutFormat, uint16_t clutSize = 256);
* Create a dynamic bitmap in custom format. size number of bytes
* is reserved in the dynamic bitmap cache. A more specific format
* can be given in the customSubformat parameter for use when
* handling more than one CUSTOM format. Set the solid rect if
* applicable.
* @param width Width of the bitmap.
* @param height Height of the bitmap.
* @param customSubformat Custom format specifier
* @param size Size in bytes of the dynamic bitmap
* @return BitmapId of the new bitmap or BITMAP_INVALID if cache memory is full.
* @note Creation of a new dynamic bitmap may cause existing dynamic bitmaps to be moved in
* memory. Do not rely on bitmap memory addresses of dynamic bitmaps obtained from
* dynamicBitmapGetAddress() to be valid across calls to dynamicBitmapCreateCustom() .
* @see dynamicBitmapGetAddress, dynamicBitmapCreate, dynamicBitmapSetSolidRect
static BitmapId dynamicBitmapCreateCustom(const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, uint8_t customSubformat, uint32_t size);
* Create a dynamic bitmap without reserving memory in the dynamic
* bitmap cache. The pixels must be already available in the
* memory, e.g. in flash. No copying is performed.
* @param width Width of the bitmap.
* @param height Height of the bitmap.
* @param pixels Pointer to the bitmap pixels.
* @param format Bitmap format of the bitmap.
* @param customSubformat Custom format specifier
* @return BitmapId of the new bitmap or BITMAP_INVALID if not possible.
* @see dynamicBitmapGetAddress, dynamicBitmapCreate, dynamicBitmapSetSolidRect
static BitmapId dynamicBitmapCreateExternal(const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, const void* pixels, BitmapFormat format, uint8_t customSubformat = 0);
* Fill a dynamic Bitmap with a color. If alpha is less than 255, the color will be blended onto
* the existing data in the dynamic bitmap.
* @param id The ID of the dynamic bitmap to fill.
* @param color The color.
* @param alpha (Optional) The alpha (default is 255, i.e. solid).
* @see dynamicBitmapCreateCopy, dynamicBitmapFillRect
static void dynamicBitmapFill(const BitmapId id, const colortype color, const uint8_t alpha = 255);
* Fill parts of a dynamic Bitmap with a color. If alpha is less than 255, the color will be
* blended onto the existing data in the dynamic bitmap.
* @param id The ID of the dynamic bitmap to fill.
* @param rect The rectangle to fill.
* @param color The color.
* @param alpha (Optional) The alpha (default is 255, i.e. solid).
* @see dynamicBitmapCreateCopy, dynamicBitmapFill
static void dynamicBitmapFillRect(const BitmapId id, const Rect& rect, const colortype color, const uint8_t alpha = 255);
* Delete a dynamic bitmap.
* @param id The BitmapId of the dynamic Bitmap.
* @return true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
static bool dynamicBitmapDelete(BitmapId id);
* Check if a given bitmap id is the id of a dynamic bitmap.
* @param id The BitmapId of the dynamic Bitmap.
* @return true if the bitmap is dynamic, false otherwise.
static bool isDynamicBitmap(BitmapId id);
* Get the address of the dynamic Bitmap data. It is important that the address of a
* dynamic Bitmap is not stored elsewhere as a dynamic Bitmap may be moved in memory
* when other bitmaps are added and removed. Only store the BitmapId and ask for the
* address of the Bitmap data when needed. The address of a dynamic bitmap may change
* when other dynamic bitmaps are added and removed.
* @param id The BitmapId of the dynamic bitmap.
* @return null if it fails, else an uint8_t*.
* @note Never keep the address of dynamic images, only store the BitmapId as that will not
* change.
static uint8_t* dynamicBitmapGetAddress(BitmapId id);
* Set the solid rectangle of a dynamic Bitmap. Only relevant for ARGB8888 Bitmap and
* 8bpp Bitmap formats, as these formats include an alpha channel. The solid part of the
* Bitmap is drawn faster than the transparent parts.
* @param id The identifier.
* @param solidRect The solid rectangle.
* @return true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
static bool dynamicBitmapSetSolidRect(BitmapId id, const Rect& solidRect);
* Updates the solid rectangle of a dynamic Bitmap to include the given rectangle. Only
* relevant for ARGB8888 bitmap and 8bpp bitmap formats, as these formats include an
* alpha channel. The solid part of the Bitmap is drawn faster than the transparent
* parts.
* @param id The identifier.
* @param solidRect The solid rectangle.
* @return true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
static bool dynamicBitmapAddSolidRect(BitmapId id, const Rect& solidRect);
/// @cond
* Gets the subformat of the dynamic bitmap. Zero is returned if
* the subformat was not set.
* @return the subformat
static uint8_t dynamicBitmapGetCustomSubformat(BitmapId id);
* @return The number of dynamic bitmaps.
static uint32_t dynamicBitmapGetNumberOfBitmaps();
/// @endcond
* Register a memory region in which Bitmap data can be cached.
* @param [in] cachep Pointer to memory region in which bitmap data can be
* cached.
* @param csize Size of cache memory region in bytes.
* @param numberOfDynamicBitmaps (Optional) Number of dynamic bitmaps to be allowed in
* the cache.
static void setCache(uint16_t* cachep, uint32_t csize, uint32_t numberOfDynamicBitmaps = 0);
* Removes the Bitmap cache. The memory can hereafter be used for other purposes. All
* dynamic Bitmap IDs are invalid after this.
static void removeCache();
* Gets the address of the first unused memory in the cache. Can be used in advanced
* application to reduce power consumption of external RAM by turning off unused RAM.
* @return Returns the highest used address in the cache.
static uint8_t* getCacheTopAddress()
return nextFreeData;
* Compact the bitmap cache to get continuous free memory on top. This method is called
* by Bitmap::cache when required.
static void compactCache();
static uint32_t getSizeOfBitmap(BitmapId id);
static uint32_t getSizeOfBitmapData(BitmapId id);
static uint32_t getSizeOfBitmapExtraData(BitmapId id);
static bool cacheInternal(BitmapId id, uint32_t size);
static bool isCustomDynamicBitmap(BitmapId id);
static bool copyBitmapToCache(BitmapId id, uint8_t* const dst);
static uint32_t firstFreeDynamicBitmapId();
BitmapId bitmapId;
static const BitmapData* bitmaps;
static DynamicBitmapData* dynBitmaps;
static CacheTableEntry* cacheTable; ///< Address of allocation point cache
static BitmapId* allocationTable; ///< Order of allocations in cache
static uint8_t* nextFreeData;
static uint16_t nextAllocationIndex;
static uint32_t memoryRemaining;
static uint32_t totalMemory;
static uint16_t numberOfBitmaps;
static uint16_t numberOfDynamicBitmaps;
static uint16_t uncachedCount; ///< Uncached images, sort of ...
} // namespace touchgfx