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* Copyright (c) 2018(-2023) STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This file is part of the TouchGFX 4.22.0 distribution.
* This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in
* the root directory of this software component.
* If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
* @file touchgfx/TextProvider.hpp
* Declares the touchgfx::TextProvider class.
#include <touchgfx/Font.hpp>
#include <touchgfx/Unicode.hpp>
#include <touchgfx/hal/Types.hpp>
namespace touchgfx
* The TextProvider is used in drawing basic strings and strings with one or two wildcards. The
* TextProvider enables wildcard expansion of the string at the time it is written to
* the LCD.
* Wildcards specified as &lt;placeholder&gt; are converted to Unicode value 2 by the
* text converter tool, and the placeholders are automatically expanded with the
* specified wildcard buffers at runtime.
class TextProvider
static const uint32_t MAX_32BIT_INTEGER_DIGITS = 33U; ///< Max number of digits used for the text representation of a 32 bit integer.
* Initializes a new instance of the TextProvider class.
* @note The user must call initialize() before characters can be provided.
* Initializes the TextProvider. Each '\2' character in the format is replaced by one
* UnicodeChar* argument from pArg.
* @param stringFormat The string to format.
* @param pArg Format arguments in the form of a va_list.
* @param gsubTable (Optional) Pointer to GSUB table with Unicode substitution rules.
* @param formsTable (Optional) Pointer to contextual forms table with Unicode substitution rules (for arabic).
void initialize(const Unicode::UnicodeChar* stringFormat, va_list pArg, const uint16_t* gsubTable = 0, const FontContextualFormsTable* formsTable = 0);
* Initializes the TextProvider. Each '\2' character in the format is replaced by one
* UnicodeChar* argument from pArg.
* @param stringFormat The string to format.
* @param gsubTable (Optional) Pointer to GSUB table with Unicode substitution rules.
* @param formsTable (Optional) Pointer to contextual forms table with Unicode substitution rules (for arabic).
* @param ... Variable arguments providing additional information.
void initialize(const Unicode::UnicodeChar* stringFormat, const uint16_t* gsubTable = 0, const FontContextualFormsTable* formsTable = 0, ...);
* Gets the next character. For Arabic and Thai, it is important to use the
* getNextLigature instead.
* @return The next character of the expanded string or 0 if end of string is reached.
* @see TextProvider::getNextLigature
Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextChar();
* Tells if the end of the string has been reached.
* @return True if the end of the string has been reached, false if not.
* @see TextProvider::getNextLigature()
bool endOfString();
* Gets the next ligature. For most languages this is simply the next Unicode character
* from the buffer, but e.g. Arabic has different ligatures for each character. Thai
* character placement might also depend on previous characters. It is recommended to
* use getNextLigature with font and glyph parameters to ensure coming glyphs in a text
* are placed correctly.
* @param direction The direction.
* @return The next character of the expanded string or 0 if end of string is reached.
* @see TextProvider::getNextChar
* @note Functions getNextLigature() and getNextChar() will advance through the same buffer
* and mixing the use of those functions is not recommended and may cause
* undesired results. Instead create two TextProviders and user getNextChar() on
* one and getNextLigature() on the other.
Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextLigature(TextDirection direction);
* Gets the next ligature. For most languages this is simply the next Unicode character
* from the buffer, but e.g. Arabic has different ligatures for each character.
* Also gets a glyph for the ligature in a font. For non-Thai Unicodes, this is
* identical to using Font::getGlyph(), but for Thai characters where diacritics glyphs
* are not always placed at the same relative position, an adjusted GlyphNode will be
* generated with correct relative X/Y coordinates.
* @param direction The direction.
* @param font The font.
* @param [out] glyph The glyph.
* @return The next character of the expanded string or 0 if end of string i reached.
* @see TextProvider::getNextChar, Font::getGlyph
* @note Functions getNextLigature() and getNextChar() will advance through the same buffer
* and mixing the use of those functions is not recommended and may cause
* undesired results. Instead create two TextProviders and user getNextChar() on
* one and getNextLigature() on the other.
Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextLigature(TextDirection direction, const Font* font, const GlyphNode*& glyph);
* Gets the next ligature. For most languages this is simply the next Unicode character
* from the buffer, but e.g. Arabic has different ligatures for each character.
* Also gets a glyph for the ligature in a font. For non-Thai Unicodes, this is
* identical to using Font::getGlyph(), but for Thai characters where diacritics glyphs
* are not always placed at the same relative position, an adjusted GlyphNode will be
* generated with correct relative X/Y coordinates.
* Furthermore a pointer to the glyph data and the bit depth of the font are returned in
* parameters.
* @param direction The direction.
* @param font The font.
* @param [out] glyph The glyph.
* @param [out] pixelData Information describing the pixel.
* @param [out] bitsPerPixel The bits per pixel.
* @return The next character of the expanded string or 0 if end of string is reached.
* @see TextProvider::getNextChar, Font::getGlyph
* @note Functions getNextLigature() and getNextChar() will advance through the same buffer
* and mixing the use of those functions is not recommended and may cause
* undesired results. Instead create two TextProviders and user getNextChar() on
* one and getNextLigature() on the other.
Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextLigature(TextDirection direction, const Font* font, const GlyphNode*& glyph, const uint8_t*& pixelData, uint8_t& bitsPerPixel);
Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextCharInternal();
const Unicode::UnicodeChar* original_format_string;
const Unicode::UnicodeChar* format;
const Unicode::UnicodeChar* subString[2];
uint8_t nextSubString;
const Unicode::UnicodeChar* substringPointer;
bool isWritingWildcard;
template <unsigned int size>
class circularBuffer
: pos(0), used(0)
used = 0;
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION bool isEmpty() const
return used == 0;
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION bool isFull() const
return used == size;
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION Unicode::UnicodeChar peekChar()
assert(used > 0);
return buffer[pos];
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION Unicode::UnicodeChar peekChar(uint16_t offset)
assert(offset < used);
const uint16_t index = pos + offset;
return buffer[index < size ? index : index - size];
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION void dropFront(uint16_t num = 1)
assert(used >= num);
used -= num;
pos += num;
if (pos >= size)
pos -= size;
Unicode::UnicodeChar popFront()
assert(used > 0);
const Unicode::UnicodeChar ch = buffer[pos];
if (pos >= size)
pos -= size;
return ch;
Unicode::UnicodeChar popBack()
assert(used > 0);
return peekChar(used-- - 1);
void allocateFront(uint16_t num)
assert(used + num <= size);
used += num;
if (pos < num)
pos += size;
pos -= num;
void pushFrontForce(Unicode::UnicodeChar newChar)
// "use" one more entry, if already full overwrite back entry ("used" is unchanged)
if (used < size)
// Move "pos" one back with overflow check
if (pos == 0)
pos += size;
void pushFront(Unicode::UnicodeChar newChar)
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION void pushBack(Unicode::UnicodeChar newChar)
assert(used < size);
replaceAt(++used - 1, newChar);
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION void replaceAt0(Unicode::UnicodeChar newChar)
buffer[pos] = newChar;
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION void replaceAt1(Unicode::UnicodeChar newChar)
assert(used > 1);
const uint16_t index = pos + 1;
buffer[index < size ? index : 0] = newChar;
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION void replaceAt(uint16_t offset, Unicode::UnicodeChar newChar)
assert(used > offset);
const uint16_t index = pos + offset;
buffer[index < size ? index : index - size] = newChar;
Unicode::UnicodeChar buffer[size];
uint16_t pos;
uint16_t used;
static const int NUM_PREV_CHARS = 2;
static const int NUM_NEXT_CHARS = 10; // input + lookahead + delta(substitution)
static const int NUM_XTRA_CHARS = 2;
circularBuffer<NUM_PREV_CHARS> prevCharacters;
circularBuffer<NUM_NEXT_CHARS> nextCharacters;
circularBuffer<NUM_XTRA_CHARS> xtraCharacters; // In case we insert
void replaceInputCharacters(uint16_t existingNumChars, uint16_t newNumChars, const Unicode::UnicodeChar* newChars);
void fillInputBuffer();
const uint16_t* fontGsubTable;
const FontContextualFormsTable* contextualFormsTable;
void substituteGlyphs();
uint16_t gsubTableBinarySearch(const uint16_t numEntries, const uint16_t* unicodeLookupTable, const Unicode::UnicodeChar key) const;
bool applyGsubRules(const uint16_t* nextTableEntry, const Unicode::UnicodeChar key);
bool gsubRuleMatch(const uint16_t* tableEntry, uint16_t backtrack, uint16_t input, uint16_t lookahead);
void initializeInternal();
void unicodeConverterInit();
Unicode::UnicodeChar unicodeConverter(const TextDirection direction);
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION const Unicode::UnicodeChar* binarySearch(uint16_t key, const Unicode::UnicodeChar contextualFormTable[][5], int maxIndex) const;
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION const Unicode::UnicodeChar* contextualFormForChar(const Unicode::UnicodeChar currChar) const;
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION void adjustGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeChar originalCharacter, Unicode::UnicodeChar currentCharacter, const GlyphNode*& glyph, const Font* font);
const GlyphNode* adjustHindiGlyph(const GlyphNode* glyph);
const GlyphNode* thaiLookupGlyph(const GlyphNode* glyph, const Font* font, Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode) const;
const GlyphNode* adjustThaiGlyph(const Font* font, const GlyphNode* glyph);
const GlyphNode* adjustArabicGlyph(const Font* font, const GlyphNode* glyph, Unicode::UnicodeChar originalUnicode);
GlyphNode modifiedGlyph;
int16_t glyphPosTop;
int16_t glyphPosBottom;
int16_t glyphPosLeft;
bool isContextualBeginning;
bool lastGlyphIsAccent;
} // namespace touchgfx