# Copyright (c) 2018(-2024) STMicroelectronics. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the TouchGFX 4.24.0 distribution. # # This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in # the root directory of this software component. # If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. # ###############################################################################/ require 'fileutils' def root_dir # Get the dirname of this (videoconvert.rb) file: @root_dir ||= File.dirname(__FILE__) end class Main def self.banner <<-BANNER Convert video files. Usage: #{File.basename($0)} {root_folder} asset_folder generated_folder Example: #{File.basename($0)} assets/videos generated/videos will process files in assets/videos and place the result in generated/videos Example: #{File.basename($0)} /c/Project assets/videos generated/videos will process files in /c/Project/assets/videos and place the result in /c/Project/generated/videos BANNER end def self.write_file(file_name, content) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file_name)) unless File.exist?(file_name) && content == File.open(file_name, 'r') { |f| f.read() } puts "Generating #{file_name}" File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.write(content) } end end def self.bin_to_obj(bin, out_dir) symbol_file_name = "#{out_dir}/obj/rename_symbols.txt" bin_file_name = File.basename(bin) puts "Generating elf32 object from binary file #{out_dir}/bin/#{bin_file_name}..." `arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe -B arm --rename-section .data=ExtFlashSection,contents,alloc,load,readonly,data -I binary -O elf32-littlearm \"#{out_dir}/bin/#{bin_file_name}\" \"#{out_dir}/obj/#{bin_file_name}.o\"` #Rename the symbols output_folder_name_subst = "#{out_dir+'/bin'}".gsub('.', '_').gsub('/', '_') bin_file_name_subst = File.basename(bin).gsub('.', '_').gsub('/', '_') str = output_folder_name_subst + "_" + bin_file_name_subst content = "_binary_#{str}_start video_#{bin_file_name_subst}_start\n" + "_binary_#{str}_end video_#{bin_file_name_subst}_end\n" + "_binary_#{str}_size video_#{bin_file_name_subst}_size\n" puts "Renaming symbols..." File.open(symbol_file_name, 'w') { |f| f.write(content) } # Bulk rename using objcopy --redefine-syms `arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe --redefine-syms #{symbol_file_name} \"#{out_dir}/obj/#{bin_file_name}.o\"` #Remove temp file FileUtils.rm(symbol_file_name) end root_dir = '.' if ARGV.count == 3 root_dir = ARGV.shift end if ARGV.count != 2 abort self.banner end Dir.chdir(root_dir) do avi_dir = ARGV.shift.gsub('\\', '/') out_dir = ARGV.shift.gsub('\\', '/') bin_dir = File.join(out_dir, 'bin') obj_dir = File.join(out_dir, 'obj') avis = Dir[File.join(avi_dir, '**', '*.avi')] # Create the output folder: FileUtils.mkdir_p(bin_dir) # Create mapping from existing .avi files to the .bin files avi2bin = {} avi2obj = {} obj2avi = {} bin2avi = {} avis.each do |avi| bin = File.join(bin_dir, File.basename(avi.gsub(/avi$/i,'bin'))) obj = File.join(obj_dir, File.basename(avi.gsub(/avi$/i,'bin.o'))) avi2bin[avi] = bin avi2obj[avi] = obj if bin2avi[bin] abort "Duplication avi files: #{bin2avi[bin]} and #{avi}" end bin2avi[bin] = avi obj2avi[obj] = avi end # Remove bin files that have no corresponding avi file Dir[File.join(bin_dir, '*.bin')].each do |bin| if !bin2avi[bin] puts "Removing #{bin}" FileUtils.rm_f(bin) end end # Remove obj files that have no corresponding avi file Dir[File.join(obj_dir, '*.bin.o')].each do |obj| if !obj2avi[obj] puts "Removing #{obj}" FileUtils.rm_f(obj) end end # Now process each avi file avi2bin.each do |avi,bin| if !File.exist?(bin) || (File.mtime(avi) > File.mtime(bin)) puts "Generating #{bin}" FileUtils.cp(avi, bin) end end # Convert .bin to .obj FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{out_dir}/obj") avi2obj.each do |avi, obj| bin = avi2bin[avi] if !File.exist?(obj) || (File.mtime(bin) > File.mtime(obj)) puts "Converting #{bin} to #{obj}" bin_to_obj(bin, out_dir) end end # Locate .ioc file project_file = Dir['../*.ioc'].first if project_file.nil? # search in next parent directory if .ioc file not found project_file = Dir['../../*.ioc'].first end # Determine if keil is toolchain and structure of project touchgfx_folder_path = "../TouchGFX" toolchain_is_keil = false # Assume it is not Keil dual_core = false # Assume it is not dual core context_enabled = false # Assume not context enabled trust_zone = false # Assume not trust zone if project_file # From cubemx_project_selector.rb in touchgfx-cli: content = File.read(project_file, :encoding=>'utf-8') target_toolchain = content.match(/ProjectManager.TargetToolchain=([\w\s\d\.\-]+)/) || abort("Unable to parse #{File.expand_path(@project_file)}") toolchain = target_toolchain.captures.first toolchain_is_keil = toolchain.match(/MDK-ARM/) # "ProjectManager.TargetToolchain=MDK-ARM..." is Keil # Determine if dual core # From cubemx_project_selector.rb in touchgfx-cli: content = File.read(project_file, :encoding=>'utf-8') dual_core = content.match(/Mcu.ThirdParty\d+_Instance=STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.\d+.\d+.\d+_M(\d+)/) if dual_core then touchgfx_folder_path = "../CM#{$1}/TouchGFX" end # Determine if context enabled project # From cubemx_project_selector.rb in touchgfx-cli: content = File.read(project_file, :encoding=>'utf-8') context_enabled = content.match(/Mcu.ThirdParty\d+_Instance=STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.\d+.\d+.\d+_App/) if context_enabled then touchgfx_folder_path = "../../Appli/TouchGFX" end # Determine if trust zone (non secure only) project # From cubemx_project_selector.rb in touchgfx-cli: content = File.read(project_file, :encoding=>'utf-8') trust_zone = content.match(/Mcu.ThirdParty\d+_Instance=STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.\d+.\d+.\d+_M\d+NS/) if trust_zone # match expression is for dual is also true for trust zone, so we must disable dual core dual_core = false touchgfx_folder_path = "../NonSecure/TouchGFX" end end # Generate header file hpp_content = "" keil_export = "" keil_incbin = "" avi2bin.each do |avi,bin| name = File.basename(bin).gsub('.', '_').gsub('/', '_') length = File.size(avi); symbol = "video_#{name}" start_symbol = "#{symbol}_start" length_symbol = "#{symbol}_length" hpp_content += "const uint32_t #{length_symbol} = #{length};\n" hpp_content += "#ifdef SIMULATOR\n" hpp_content += "extern const uint8_t* #{start_symbol};\n" hpp_content += "#else\n" hpp_content += "extern const uint8_t #{start_symbol}[];\n" hpp_content += "#endif\n\n" keil_export += "\tEXPORT\t#{start_symbol}\n" keil_incbin += "\n#{start_symbol}\n\tINCBIN\t#{touchgfx_folder_path}/#{bin}\n" end hpp_file = File.join(out_dir, 'include', 'videos', 'VideoDatabase.hpp') write_file(hpp_file, "// Generated by videoconvert. Please, do not edit!\n\n"+ "#ifndef TOUCHGFX_VIDEODATABASE_HPP\n"+ "#define TOUCHGFX_VIDEODATABASE_HPP\n"+ "\n#include \n\n"+ hpp_content+ "#endif // TOUCHGFX_VIDEODATABASE_HPP\n") keil_path = [out_dir, 'src', 'keil', 'Videos.s'] keil_file = File.join(keil_path) # Only generate Videos.s if there are video files AND we are using Keil: if avi2bin.empty? || !toolchain_is_keil # Try to remove existing Videos.s file and folder structure (if it is empty) begin FileUtils.rm(keil_file) if File.exist?(keil_file) keil_folder = File.join(keil_path[0...-1]) FileUtils.rmdir(keil_folder) if File.directory?(keil_folder) src_folder = File.join(keil_path[0...-2]) FileUtils.rmdir(File.join(keil_path[0...-2])) if File.directory?(src_folder); rescue end else # There are videos and we are on Keil. Generate Videos.s write_file(keil_file, "; Generated by videoconvert. Please, do not edit!\n\n"+ "\tAREA\tExtFlashSection, DATA, READONLY\n\n"+ keil_export+ keil_incbin+ "\n\tEND\n") end end end