# Copyright (c) 2018(-2023) STMicroelectronics. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the TouchGFX 4.21.2 distribution. # # This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in # the root directory of this software component. # If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. # ###############################################################################/ TextEntrySanitizer = Struct.new(:text_entries, :typographies, :languages, :framebuffer_bpp) class Sanitizer < TextEntrySanitizer def run [ RemoveDuplicateKeys, # RemoveIncompleteLanguages, RemoveKeysWithMoreThanTwoSubstitutions, RemoveKeysWithDifferentNumberOfSubstitutions, RemoveTextEntriesWithInvalidTypography, RemoveTextEntriesWithInvalidAlignment, RemoveTextEntriesWithInvalidDirection, CheckSizeAndBpp, DowngradeFontsBitDepth ].each do |sanitizer| sanitizer.new(text_entries, typographies, languages, framebuffer_bpp).run end end end class RemoveDuplicateKeys < TextEntrySanitizer def run counts = Hash.new(0) counts = text_entries.inject(Hash.new(0)) do |h, entry| h[entry.cpp_text_id.upcase] = h[entry.cpp_text_id.upcase] + 1 h end text_entries.each do |text_entry| if counts[text_entry.cpp_text_id.upcase] > 1 fail "ERROR: Duplicate key removed: #{text_entry.text_id}, yields cpp identifier #{text_entry.cpp_text_id.upcase}" text_entries.remove(text_entry) end end end end class RemoveIncompleteLanguages < TextEntrySanitizer def run languages.each do |language| text_entries_with_missing_translations = text_entries.select do |text_entry| text_entry.translation_in(language).empty? end text_entries_with_missing_translations.each do |text_entry| fail "ERROR: Language #{language} is missing translation for #{text_entry.text_id}" end if text_entries_with_missing_translations.any? text_entries.remove_language(language) end end end end class RemoveKeysWithMoreThanTwoSubstitutions < TextEntrySanitizer def run languages.each do |language| text_entries_with_more_than_two_substitutions = text_entries.select do |text_entry| text_entry.number_of_substitutions_in(language) > 2 end text_entries_with_more_than_two_substitutions.each do |text_entry| fail "ERROR: Text Id #{text_entry.text_id} has #{text_entry.number_of_substitutions_in(language)} substitutions" #text_entries.remove(text_entry) end end if languages end end class RemoveKeysWithDifferentNumberOfSubstitutions < TextEntrySanitizer def run text_entries.each do |text_entry| translations = text_entry.translations number_of_substitutions_per_translation = translations.collect { |translation| translation.number_of_substitutions } if number_of_substitutions_per_translation.uniq.count > 1 fail "ERROR: Text Id #{text_entry.text_id} has different number of substitutions for some languages" #text_entries.remove(text_entry) end end end end class RemoveTextEntriesWithInvalidTypography < TextEntrySanitizer def run text_entries.each do |text_entry| non_existing_typographies = (text_entry.get_all_typographies - typographies.map( &:name )).compact; if non_existing_typographies.any? fail "ERROR: Text Id #{text_entry.text_id} uses unknown typographies #{non_existing_typographies}" #text_entries.remove(text_entry) end end end end class RemoveTextEntriesWithInvalidAlignment < TextEntrySanitizer def run text_entries.each do |text_entry| alignments = text_entry.get_all_alignments_as_string illegal_alignments = alignments.uniq - ['LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'CENTER'] if illegal_alignments.any? fail "ERROR: Text Id #{text_entry.text_id} uses unknown alignments #{illegal_alignments}" #text_entries.remove(text_entry) end end end end class RemoveTextEntriesWithInvalidDirection < TextEntrySanitizer def run text_entries.each do |text_entry| directions = text_entry.get_all_directions_as_string illegal_directions = directions.uniq - ['LTR', 'RTL'] if illegal_directions.any? fail "ERROR: Text Id '#{text_entry.text_id}' uses unknown directions #{illegal_directions}" #text_entries.remove(text_entry) end end end end class CheckSizeAndBpp < TextEntrySanitizer def run typographies.each do |typography| if ![1, 2, 4, 8].include?(typography.bpp) fail "ERROR: Typography named '#{typography.name}' has bpp value '#{typography.bpp}', which is not a valid value" end if !typography.font_size.integer? || typography.font_size < 1 fail "ERROR: Typography named '#{typography.name}' has font size value '#{typography.font_size}', which is not a valid value" end end end end class DowngradeFontsBitDepth < TextEntrySanitizer def run if !framebuffer_bpp.nil? m = framebuffer_bpp.match(/BPP(\d+)/) bpp = m.nil? ? 24 : m[1].to_i typographies.each do |typography| case bpp when 8 if typography.bpp > 2 puts "Downgrading typography #{typography.name} from #{typography.bpp.to_s}bpp to 2bpp" typography.bpp = 2 end when 4 if typography.bpp > 4 puts "Downgrading typography #{typography.name} from #{typography.bpp.to_s}bpp to 4bpp" typography.bpp = 4 end when 2 if typography.bpp > 2 puts "Downgrading typography #{typography.name} from #{typography.bpp.to_s}bpp to 2bpp" typography.bpp = 2 end when 1 if typography.bpp > 1 puts "Downgrading typography #{typography.name} from #{typography.bpp.to_s}bpp to 1bpp" typography.bpp = 1 end end end end end end