@echo off rem The SDL2.DLL was downloaded from http://libsdl.org rem The SDL2.LIB was created using "dumpbin" and "lib" rem The libSDL2.a was created using "dumpbin" and "dlltool" rem Visual Studio uses SDL2.lib for linking rem Gcc uses libSDL2.a for linking rem Both use SDL2.dll at runtime set oldpath=%path% set path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin";C:\touchgfx-env\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;C:\touchgfx-env\MinGW\bin;%path% rem create SDL2.lib for Visual Studio echo EXPORTS > SDL2.def dumpbin /EXPORTS SDL2.dll | grep SDL_ | cut -c 27- >>SDL2.def lib /def:SDL2.def /machine:x86 /out:SDL2.lib rem create libSDL2.a for mingw32 echo LIBRARY SDL2.DLL >SDL2.def echo EXPORTS >> SDL2.def dumpbin /EXPORTS SDL2.dll | grep SDL_ | cut -c 27- >>SDL2.def dlltool -d SDL2.def -l libSDL2.a del SDL2.def del SDL2.exp rem create SDL2_image.lib for Visual Studio echo EXPORTS > SDL2_image.def dumpbin /EXPORTS SDL2_image.dll | grep IMG_ | cut -c 27- >>SDL2_image.def lib /def:SDL2_image.def /machine:x86 /out:SDL2_image.lib rem create libSDL2_image.a for mingw32 echo LIBRARY SDL2_image.DLL >SDL2_image.def echo EXPORTS >> SDL2_image.def dumpbin /EXPORTS SDL2_image.dll | grep IMG_ | cut -c 27- >>SDL2_image.def dlltool -d SDL2_image.def -l libSDL2_image.a del SDL2_image.def del SDL2_image.exp set path=%oldpath% set oldpath=