/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32g4xx_hal_flash_ex.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Extended FLASH HAL module driver. * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following * functionalities of the FLASH extended peripheral: * + Extended programming operations functions * @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### Flash Extended features ##### ============================================================================== [..] Comparing to other previous devices, the FLASH interface for STM32G4xx devices contains the following additional features (+) Capacity up to 512 Kbytes with dual bank architecture supporting read-while-write capability (RWW) (+) Dual bank 64-bits memory organization with possibility of single bank 128-bits (+) Protected areas including WRP, PCROP and Securable memory ##### How to use this driver ##### ============================================================================== [..] This driver provides functions to configure and program the FLASH memory of all STM32G4xx devices. It includes (#) Flash Memory Erase functions: (++) Lock and Unlock the FLASH interface using HAL_FLASH_Unlock() and HAL_FLASH_Lock() functions (++) Erase function: Erase pages, or mass erase banks (++) There are two modes of erase : (+++) Polling Mode using HAL_FLASHEx_Erase() (+++) Interrupt Mode using HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT() (#) Option Bytes Programming function: Use HAL_FLASHEx_OBProgram() to: (++) Configure the write protection areas (WRP) (++) Set the Read protection Level (RDP) (++) Program the user Option Bytes (++) Configure the Proprietary Code ReadOut protection areas (PCROP) (++) Configure the Securable memory areas (++) Configure the Boot Lock (#) Get Option Bytes Configuration function: Use HAL_FLASHEx_OBGetConfig() to: (++) Get the configuration of write protection areas (WRP) (++) Get the level of read protection (RDP) (++) Get the value of the user Option Bytes (++) Get the configuration of Proprietary Code ReadOut Protection areas (PCROP) (++) Get the configuration of Securable memory areas (++) Get the status of Boot Lock (#) Activation of Securable memory area: Use HAL_FLASHEx_EnableSecMemProtection() (++) Deny the access to securable memory area (#) Enable or disable debugger: Use HAL_FLASHEx_EnableDebugger() or HAL_FLASHEx_DisableDebugger() @endverbatim ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in * the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32g4xx_hal.h" /** @addtogroup STM32G4xx_HAL_Driver * @{ */ /** @defgroup FLASHEx FLASHEx * @brief FLASH Extended HAL module driver * @{ */ #ifdef HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASHEx_Private_Functions FLASHEx Private Functions * @{ */ static void FLASH_MassErase(uint32_t Banks); static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_WRPConfig(uint32_t WRPArea, uint32_t WRPStartOffset, uint32_t WRDPEndOffset); static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_RDPConfig(uint32_t RDPLevel); static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_UserConfig(uint32_t UserType, uint32_t UserConfig); static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_PCROPConfig(uint32_t PCROPConfig, uint32_t PCROPStartAddr, uint32_t PCROPEndAddr); static void FLASH_OB_GetWRP(uint32_t WRPArea, uint32_t *WRPStartOffset, uint32_t *WRDPEndOffset); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetRDP(void); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetUser(void); static void FLASH_OB_GetPCROP(uint32_t *PCROPConfig, uint32_t *PCROPStartAddr, uint32_t *PCROPEndAddr); static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_SecMemConfig(uint32_t SecMemBank, uint32_t SecMemSize); static void FLASH_OB_GetSecMem(uint32_t SecMemBank, uint32_t *SecMemSize); static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_BootLockConfig(uint32_t BootLockConfig); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetBootLock(void); /** * @} */ /* Exported functions -------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASHEx_Exported_Functions FLASHEx Exported Functions * @{ */ /** @defgroup FLASHEx_Exported_Functions_Group1 Extended IO operation functions * @brief Extended IO operation functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Extended programming operation functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to manage the Extended FLASH programming operations Operations. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Perform a mass erase or erase the specified FLASH memory pages. * @param[in] pEraseInit pointer to an FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the erasing. * @param[out] PageError pointer to variable that contains the configuration * information on faulty page in case of error (0xFFFFFFFF means that all * the pages have been correctly erased). * @retval HAL_Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit, uint32_t *PageError) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status; uint32_t page_index; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_TYPEERASE(pEraseInit->TypeErase)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(&pFlash); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); if (status == HAL_OK) { pFlash.ErrorCode = HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE; /* Deactivate the cache if they are activated to avoid data misbehavior */ if (READ_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_ICEN) != 0U) { if (READ_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_DCEN) != 0U) { /* Disable data cache */ __HAL_FLASH_DATA_CACHE_DISABLE(); pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_ICACHE_DCACHE_ENABLED; } else { pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_ICACHE_ENABLED; } } else if (READ_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_DCEN) != 0U) { /* Disable data cache */ __HAL_FLASH_DATA_CACHE_DISABLE(); pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_DCACHE_ENABLED; } else { pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_DISABLED; } if (pEraseInit->TypeErase == FLASH_TYPEERASE_MASSERASE) { /* Mass erase to be done */ FLASH_MassErase(pEraseInit->Banks); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) /* If the erase operation is completed, disable the MER1 and MER2 Bits */ CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, (FLASH_CR_MER1 | FLASH_CR_MER2)); #else /* If the erase operation is completed, disable the MER1 Bit */ CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, (FLASH_CR_MER1)); #endif } else { /*Initialization of PageError variable*/ *PageError = 0xFFFFFFFFU; for (page_index = pEraseInit->Page; page_index < (pEraseInit->Page + pEraseInit->NbPages); page_index++) { FLASH_PageErase(page_index, pEraseInit->Banks); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); /* If the erase operation is completed, disable the PER Bit */ CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, (FLASH_CR_PER | FLASH_CR_PNB)); if (status != HAL_OK) { /* In case of error, stop erase procedure and return the faulty page */ *PageError = page_index; break; } } } /* Flush the caches to be sure of the data consistency */ FLASH_FlushCaches(); } /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(&pFlash); return status; } /** * @brief Perform a mass erase or erase the specified FLASH memory pages with interrupt enabled. * @param pEraseInit pointer to an FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the erasing. * @retval HAL_Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(&pFlash); /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_TYPEERASE(pEraseInit->TypeErase)); pFlash.ErrorCode = HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE; /* Deactivate the cache if they are activated to avoid data misbehavior */ if (READ_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_ICEN) != 0U) { if (READ_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_DCEN) != 0U) { /* Disable data cache */ __HAL_FLASH_DATA_CACHE_DISABLE(); pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_ICACHE_DCACHE_ENABLED; } else { pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_ICACHE_ENABLED; } } else if (READ_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_DCEN) != 0U) { /* Disable data cache */ __HAL_FLASH_DATA_CACHE_DISABLE(); pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_DCACHE_ENABLED; } else { pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_DISABLED; } /* Enable End of Operation and Error interrupts */ __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_EOP | FLASH_IT_OPERR); pFlash.Bank = pEraseInit->Banks; if (pEraseInit->TypeErase == FLASH_TYPEERASE_MASSERASE) { /* Mass erase to be done */ pFlash.ProcedureOnGoing = FLASH_PROC_MASS_ERASE; FLASH_MassErase(pEraseInit->Banks); } else { /* Erase by page to be done */ pFlash.ProcedureOnGoing = FLASH_PROC_PAGE_ERASE; pFlash.NbPagesToErase = pEraseInit->NbPages; pFlash.Page = pEraseInit->Page; /*Erase 1st page and wait for IT */ FLASH_PageErase(pEraseInit->Page, pEraseInit->Banks); } return status; } /** * @brief Program Option bytes. * @param pOBInit pointer to an FLASH_OBInitStruct structure that * contains the configuration information for the programming. * @note To configure any option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note New option bytes configuration will be taken into account in two cases: * - after an option bytes launch through the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() * - after a power reset (BOR reset or exit from Standby/Shutdown modes) * @retval HAL_Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_OBProgram(FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef *pOBInit) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OPTIONBYTE(pOBInit->OptionType)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(&pFlash); pFlash.ErrorCode = HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE; /* Write protection configuration */ if ((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_WRP) != 0U) { /* Configure of Write protection on the selected area */ if (FLASH_OB_WRPConfig(pOBInit->WRPArea, pOBInit->WRPStartOffset, pOBInit->WRPEndOffset) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } /* Read protection configuration */ if ((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_RDP) != 0U) { /* Configure the Read protection level */ if (FLASH_OB_RDPConfig(pOBInit->RDPLevel) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } /* User Configuration */ if ((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_USER) != 0U) { /* Configure the user option bytes */ if (FLASH_OB_UserConfig(pOBInit->USERType, pOBInit->USERConfig) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } /* PCROP Configuration */ if ((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_PCROP) != 0U) { if (pOBInit->PCROPStartAddr != pOBInit->PCROPEndAddr) { /* Configure the Proprietary code readout protection */ if (FLASH_OB_PCROPConfig(pOBInit->PCROPConfig, pOBInit->PCROPStartAddr, pOBInit->PCROPEndAddr) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } } /* Securable memory Configuration */ if ((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_SEC) != 0U) { /* Configure the securable memory area */ if (FLASH_OB_SecMemConfig(pOBInit->SecBank, pOBInit->SecSize) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } /* Boot Entry Point Configuration */ if ((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_BOOT_LOCK) != 0U) { /* Configure the boot unique entry point option */ if (FLASH_OB_BootLockConfig(pOBInit->BootEntryPoint) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(&pFlash); return status; } /** * @brief Get the Option bytes configuration. * @param pOBInit pointer to an FLASH_OBInitStruct structure that contains the * configuration information. * @note The fields pOBInit->WRPArea and pOBInit->PCROPConfig should indicate * which area is requested for the WRP and PCROP, else no information will be returned. * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_OBGetConfig(FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef *pOBInit) { pOBInit->OptionType = (OPTIONBYTE_RDP | OPTIONBYTE_USER); #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) if ((pOBInit->WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAA) || (pOBInit->WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAB) || (pOBInit->WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAA) || (pOBInit->WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAB)) #else if ((pOBInit->WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAA) || (pOBInit->WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAB)) #endif { pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_WRP; /* Get write protection on the selected area */ FLASH_OB_GetWRP(pOBInit->WRPArea, &(pOBInit->WRPStartOffset), &(pOBInit->WRPEndOffset)); } /* Get Read protection level */ pOBInit->RDPLevel = FLASH_OB_GetRDP(); /* Get the user option bytes */ pOBInit->USERConfig = FLASH_OB_GetUser(); #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) if ((pOBInit->PCROPConfig == FLASH_BANK_1) || (pOBInit->PCROPConfig == FLASH_BANK_2)) #else if (pOBInit->PCROPConfig == FLASH_BANK_1) #endif { pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_PCROP; /* Get the Proprietary code readout protection */ FLASH_OB_GetPCROP(&(pOBInit->PCROPConfig), &(pOBInit->PCROPStartAddr), &(pOBInit->PCROPEndAddr)); } pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_BOOT_LOCK; /* Get the boot entry point */ pOBInit->BootEntryPoint = FLASH_OB_GetBootLock(); /* Get the securable memory area configuration */ #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) if ((pOBInit->SecBank == FLASH_BANK_1) || (pOBInit->SecBank == FLASH_BANK_2)) #else if (pOBInit->SecBank == FLASH_BANK_1) #endif { pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_SEC; FLASH_OB_GetSecMem(pOBInit->SecBank, &(pOBInit->SecSize)); } } /** * @brief Enable the FLASH Securable Memory protection. * @param Bank: Bank to be protected * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Bank1 to be protected * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Bank2 to be protected (*) * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: Bank1 and Bank2 to be protected (*) * @note (*) availability depends on devices * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_EnableSecMemProtection(uint32_t Bank) { #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) if (READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTR, FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) != 0U) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(Bank)); /* Enable the Securable Memory Protection Bit for the bank 1 if requested */ if ((Bank & FLASH_BANK_1) != 0U) { SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_SEC_PROT1); } /* Enable the Securable Memory Protection Bit for the bank 2 if requested */ if ((Bank & FLASH_BANK_2) != 0U) { SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_SEC_PROT2); } } else #endif { SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_SEC_PROT1); } return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable Debugger. * @note After calling this API, flash interface allow debugger intrusion. * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_EnableDebugger(void) { FLASH->ACR |= FLASH_ACR_DBG_SWEN; } /** * @brief Disable Debugger. * @note After calling this API, Debugger is disabled: it's no more possible to * break, see CPU register, etc... * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_DisableDebugger(void) { FLASH->ACR &= ~FLASH_ACR_DBG_SWEN; } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup FLASHEx_Private_Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief Mass erase of FLASH memory. * @param Banks Banks to be erased. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Bank1 to be erased * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Bank2 to be erased (*) * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: Bank1 and Bank2 to be erased (*) * @note (*) availability depends on devices * @retval None */ static void FLASH_MassErase(uint32_t Banks) { #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) if (READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTR, FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) != 0U) #endif { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(Banks)); /* Set the Mass Erase Bit for the bank 1 if requested */ if ((Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) != 0U) { SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_MER1); } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) /* Set the Mass Erase Bit for the bank 2 if requested */ if ((Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) != 0U) { SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_MER2); } #endif } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) else { SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, (FLASH_CR_MER1 | FLASH_CR_MER2)); } #endif /* Proceed to erase all sectors */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_STRT); } /** * @brief Erase the specified FLASH memory page. * @param Page FLASH page to erase. * This parameter must be a value between 0 and (max number of pages in the bank - 1). * @param Banks Bank where the page will be erased. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Page in bank 1 to be erased * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Page in bank 2 to be erased (*) * @note (*) availability depends on devices * @retval None */ void FLASH_PageErase(uint32_t Page, uint32_t Banks) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_PAGE(Page)); #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) if (READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTR, FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) == 0U) { CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_BKER); } else { assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK_EXCLUSIVE(Banks)); if ((Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) != 0U) { CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_BKER); } else { SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_BKER); } } #endif /* Proceed to erase the page */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_PNB, ((Page & 0xFFU) << FLASH_CR_PNB_Pos)); SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_PER); SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_STRT); } /** * @brief Flush the instruction and data caches. * @retval None */ void FLASH_FlushCaches(void) { FLASH_CacheTypeDef cache = pFlash.CacheToReactivate; /* Flush instruction cache */ if ((cache == FLASH_CACHE_ICACHE_ENABLED) || (cache == FLASH_CACHE_ICACHE_DCACHE_ENABLED)) { /* Disable instruction cache */ __HAL_FLASH_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_DISABLE(); /* Reset instruction cache */ __HAL_FLASH_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_RESET(); /* Enable instruction cache */ __HAL_FLASH_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_ENABLE(); } /* Flush data cache */ if ((cache == FLASH_CACHE_DCACHE_ENABLED) || (cache == FLASH_CACHE_ICACHE_DCACHE_ENABLED)) { /* Reset data cache */ __HAL_FLASH_DATA_CACHE_RESET(); /* Enable data cache */ __HAL_FLASH_DATA_CACHE_ENABLE(); } /* Reset internal variable */ pFlash.CacheToReactivate = FLASH_CACHE_DISABLED; } /** * @brief Configure the write protection area into Option Bytes. * @note When the memory read protection level is selected (RDP level = 1), * it is not possible to program or erase Flash memory if the CPU debug * features are connected (JTAG or single wire) or boot code is being * executed from RAM or System flash, even if WRP is not activated. * @note To configure any option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note New option bytes configuration will be taken into account in two cases: * - after an option bytes launch through the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() * - after a power reset (BOR reset or exit from Standby/Shutdown modes) * @param WRPArea specifies the area to be configured. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAA: Flash Bank 1 Area A * @arg OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAB: Flash Bank 1 Area B * @arg OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAA: Flash Bank 2 Area A (*) * @arg OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAB: Flash Bank 2 Area B (*) * @note (*) availability depends on devices * @param WRPStartOffset specifies the start page of the write protected area. * This parameter can be page number between 0 and (max number of pages in the bank - 1). * @param WRDPEndOffset specifies the end page of the write protected area. * This parameter can be page number between WRPStartOffset and (max number of pages in the bank - 1). * @retval HAL_Status */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_WRPConfig(uint32_t WRPArea, uint32_t WRPStartOffset, uint32_t WRDPEndOffset) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_WRPAREA(WRPArea)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_PAGE(WRPStartOffset)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_PAGE(WRDPEndOffset)); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); if (status == HAL_OK) { /* Configure the write protected area */ if (WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAA) { FLASH->WRP1AR = ((WRDPEndOffset << FLASH_WRP1AR_WRP1A_END_Pos) | WRPStartOffset); } else if (WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAB) { FLASH->WRP1BR = ((WRDPEndOffset << FLASH_WRP1BR_WRP1B_END_Pos) | WRPStartOffset); } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) else if (WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAA) { FLASH->WRP2AR = ((WRDPEndOffset << FLASH_WRP2AR_WRP2A_END_Pos) | WRPStartOffset); } else if (WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAB) { FLASH->WRP2BR = ((WRDPEndOffset << FLASH_WRP2BR_WRP2B_END_Pos) | WRPStartOffset); } #endif else { /* Nothing to do */ } /* Set OPTSTRT Bit */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_OPTSTRT); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); } return status; } /** * @brief Set the read protection level into Option Bytes. * @note To configure any option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note New option bytes configuration will be taken into account in two cases: * - after an option bytes launch through the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() * - after a power reset (BOR reset or exit from Standby/Shutdown modes) * @note !!! Warning : When enabling OB_RDP level 2 it's no more possible * to go back to level 1 or 0 !!! * @param RDPLevel specifies the read protection level. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_0: No protection * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_1: Memory Read protection * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_2: Full chip protection * * @retval HAL_Status */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_RDPConfig(uint32_t RDPLevel) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_RDP_LEVEL(RDPLevel)); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); if (status == HAL_OK) { /* Configure the RDP level in the option bytes register */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->OPTR, FLASH_OPTR_RDP, RDPLevel); /* Set OPTSTRT Bit */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_OPTSTRT); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); } return status; } /** * @brief Program the FLASH User Option Bytes. * @note To configure any option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note New option bytes configuration will be taken into account in two cases: * - after an option bytes launch through the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() * - after a power reset (BOR reset or exit from Standby/Shutdown modes) * @param UserType The FLASH User Option Bytes to be modified. * This parameter can be a combination of @ref FLASH_OB_USER_Type. * @param UserConfig The selected User Option Bytes values: * This parameter can be a combination of @ref FLASH_OB_USER_BOR_LEVEL, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nRST_STOP, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nRST_STANDBY , * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nRST_SHUTDOWN, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_SW, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_STOP, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_STANDBY, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_WWDG_SW, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_WWDG_SW, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_BFB2 (*), @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nBOOT1, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_SRAM_PE, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_CCMSRAM_RST, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nSWBOOT0, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nBOOT0, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_NRST_MODE, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_INTERNAL_RESET_HOLDER * @note (*) availability depends on devices * @retval HAL_Status */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_UserConfig(uint32_t UserType, uint32_t UserConfig) { uint32_t optr_reg_val = 0; uint32_t optr_reg_mask = 0; HAL_StatusTypeDef status; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_TYPE(UserType)); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); if (status == HAL_OK) { if ((UserType & OB_USER_BOR_LEV) != 0U) { /* BOR level option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_BOR_LEVEL(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV)); /* Set value and mask for BOR level option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_nRST_STOP) != 0U) { /* nRST_STOP option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_STOP(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP)); /* Set value and mask for nRST_STOP option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_nRST_STDBY) != 0U) { /* nRST_STDBY option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_STANDBY(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY)); /* Set value and mask for nRST_STDBY option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_nRST_SHDW) != 0U) { /* nRST_SHDW option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_SHUTDOWN(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nRST_SHDW)); /* Set value and mask for nRST_SHDW option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nRST_SHDW); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_nRST_SHDW; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_IWDG_SW) != 0U) { /* IWDG_SW option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_IWDG(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW)); /* Set value and mask for IWDG_SW option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_IWDG_STOP) != 0U) { /* IWDG_STOP option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_IWDG_STOP(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP)); /* Set value and mask for IWDG_STOP option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_IWDG_STDBY) != 0U) { /* IWDG_STDBY option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_IWDG_STDBY(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY)); /* Set value and mask for IWDG_STDBY option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_WWDG_SW) != 0U) { /* WWDG_SW option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_WWDG(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW)); /* Set value and mask for WWDG_SW option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW; } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_BFB2) if ((UserType & OB_USER_BFB2) != 0U) { /* BFB2 option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_BFB2(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_BFB2)); /* Set value and mask for BFB2 option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_BFB2); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_BFB2; } #endif if ((UserType & OB_USER_nBOOT1) != 0U) { /* nBOOT1 option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_BOOT1(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT1)); /* Set value and mask for nBOOT1 option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT1); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT1; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_SRAM_PE) != 0U) { /* SRAM_PE option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_SRAM_PARITY(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_SRAM_PE)); /* Set value and mask for SRAM_PE option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_SRAM_PE); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_SRAM_PE; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_CCMSRAM_RST) != 0U) { /* CCMSRAM_RST option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_CCMSRAM_RST(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_CCMSRAM_RST)); /* Set value and mask for CCMSRAM_RST option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_CCMSRAM_RST); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_CCMSRAM_RST; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_nSWBOOT0) != 0U) { /* nSWBOOT0 option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_SWBOOT0(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0)); /* Set value and mask for nSWBOOT0 option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_nBOOT0) != 0U) { /* nBOOT0 option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_BOOT0(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0)); /* Set value and mask for nBOOT0 option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_NRST_MODE) != 0U) { /* Reset Configuration option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_NRST_MODE(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_NRST_MODE)); /* Set value and mask for Reset Configuration option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_NRST_MODE); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_NRST_MODE; } if ((UserType & OB_USER_IRHEN) != 0U) { /* IRH option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_IRHEN(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_IRHEN)); /* Set value and mask for IRH option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTR_IRHEN); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTR_IRHEN; } /* Configure the option bytes register */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->OPTR, optr_reg_mask, optr_reg_val); /* Set OPTSTRT Bit */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_OPTSTRT); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); } return status; } /** * @brief Configure the Proprietary code readout protection area into Option Bytes. * @note To configure any option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note New option bytes configuration will be taken into account in two cases: * - after an option bytes launch through the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() * - after a power reset (BOR reset or exit from Standby/Shutdown modes) * @param PCROPConfig specifies the configuration (Bank to be configured and PCROP_RDP option). * This parameter must be a combination of FLASH_BANK_1 or FLASH_BANK_2 (*) * with OB_PCROP_RDP_NOT_ERASE or OB_PCROP_RDP_ERASE. * @note (*) availability depends on devices * @param PCROPStartAddr specifies the start address of the Proprietary code readout protection. * This parameter can be an address between begin and end of the bank. * @param PCROPEndAddr specifies the end address of the Proprietary code readout protection. * This parameter can be an address between PCROPStartAddr and end of the bank. * @retval HAL_Status */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_PCROPConfig(uint32_t PCROPConfig, uint32_t PCROPStartAddr, uint32_t PCROPEndAddr) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status; uint32_t reg_value; uint32_t bank1_addr; #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) uint32_t bank2_addr; #endif /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK_EXCLUSIVE(PCROPConfig & FLASH_BANK_BOTH)); assert_param(IS_OB_PCROP_RDP(PCROPConfig & FLASH_PCROP1ER_PCROP_RDP)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_MAIN_MEM_ADDRESS(PCROPStartAddr)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_MAIN_MEM_ADDRESS(PCROPEndAddr)); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); if (status == HAL_OK) { #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) /* Get the information about the bank swapping */ if (READ_BIT(SYSCFG->MEMRMP, SYSCFG_MEMRMP_FB_MODE) == 0U) { bank1_addr = FLASH_BASE; bank2_addr = FLASH_BASE + FLASH_BANK_SIZE; } else { bank1_addr = FLASH_BASE + FLASH_BANK_SIZE; bank2_addr = FLASH_BASE; } #else bank1_addr = FLASH_BASE; #endif #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) if (READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTR, FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) == 0U) { /* Configure the Proprietary code readout protection */ if ((PCROPConfig & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_1) { reg_value = ((PCROPStartAddr - FLASH_BASE) >> 4); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP1SR, FLASH_PCROP1SR_PCROP1_STRT, reg_value); reg_value = ((PCROPEndAddr - FLASH_BASE) >> 4); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP1ER, FLASH_PCROP1ER_PCROP1_END, reg_value); } else if ((PCROPConfig & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_2) { reg_value = ((PCROPStartAddr - FLASH_BASE) >> 4); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP2SR, FLASH_PCROP2SR_PCROP2_STRT, reg_value); reg_value = ((PCROPEndAddr - FLASH_BASE) >> 4); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP2ER, FLASH_PCROP2ER_PCROP2_END, reg_value); } else { /* Nothing to do */ } } else #endif { /* Configure the Proprietary code readout protection */ if ((PCROPConfig & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_1) { reg_value = ((PCROPStartAddr - bank1_addr) >> 3); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP1SR, FLASH_PCROP1SR_PCROP1_STRT, reg_value); reg_value = ((PCROPEndAddr - bank1_addr) >> 3); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP1ER, FLASH_PCROP1ER_PCROP1_END, reg_value); } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) else if ((PCROPConfig & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_2) { reg_value = ((PCROPStartAddr - bank2_addr) >> 3); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP2SR, FLASH_PCROP2SR_PCROP2_STRT, reg_value); reg_value = ((PCROPEndAddr - bank2_addr) >> 3); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP2ER, FLASH_PCROP2ER_PCROP2_END, reg_value); } #endif else { /* Nothing to do */ } } MODIFY_REG(FLASH->PCROP1ER, FLASH_PCROP1ER_PCROP_RDP, (PCROPConfig & FLASH_PCROP1ER_PCROP_RDP)); /* Set OPTSTRT Bit */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_OPTSTRT); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); } return status; } /** * @brief Configure the Securable memory area into Option Bytes. * @note To configure any option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note New option bytes configuration will be taken into account in two cases: * - after an option bytes launch through the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() * - after a power reset (BOR reset or exit from Standby/Shutdown modes) * @param SecBank specifies bank of securable memory area to be configured. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Securable memory in Bank1 to be configured * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Securable memory in Bank2 to be configured (*) * @note (*) availability depends on devices * @param SecSize specifies the number of pages of the Securable memory area, * starting from first page of the bank. * This parameter can be page number between 0 and (max number of pages in the bank - 1) * @retval HAL Status */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_SecMemConfig(uint32_t SecBank, uint32_t SecSize) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK_EXCLUSIVE(SecBank)); assert_param(IS_OB_SECMEM_SIZE(SecSize)); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); if (status == HAL_OK) { /* Configure the write protected area */ if (SecBank == FLASH_BANK_1) { MODIFY_REG(FLASH->SEC1R, FLASH_SEC1R_SEC_SIZE1, SecSize); } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) else if (SecBank == FLASH_BANK_2) { MODIFY_REG(FLASH->SEC2R, FLASH_SEC2R_SEC_SIZE2, SecSize); } else { /* Nothing to do */ } #endif /* Set OPTSTRT Bit */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_OPTSTRT); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); } return status; } /** * @brief Configure the Boot Lock into Option Bytes. * @note To configure any option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note New option bytes configuration will be taken into account in two cases: * - after an option bytes launch through the call of HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() * - after a power reset (BOR reset or exit from Standby/Shutdown modes) * @param BootLockConfig specifies the boot lock configuration. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_BOOT_LOCK_ENABLE: Enable Boot Lock * @arg OB_BOOT_LOCK_DISABLE: Disable Boot Lock * * @retval HAL_Status */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_OB_BootLockConfig(uint32_t BootLockConfig) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_BOOT_LOCK(BootLockConfig)); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); if (status == HAL_OK) { MODIFY_REG(FLASH->SEC1R, FLASH_SEC1R_BOOT_LOCK, BootLockConfig); /* Set OPTSTRT Bit */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_OPTSTRT); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); } return status; } /** * @brief Return the Securable memory area configuration into Option Bytes. * @param[in] SecBank specifies the bank where securable memory area is located. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Securable memory in Bank1 * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Securable memory in Bank2 (*) * @note (*) availability depends on devices * @param[out] SecSize specifies the number of pages used in the securable memory area of the bank. * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_GetSecMem(uint32_t SecBank, uint32_t *SecSize) { /* Get the configuration of the securable memory area */ if (SecBank == FLASH_BANK_1) { *SecSize = READ_BIT(FLASH->SEC1R, FLASH_SEC1R_SEC_SIZE1); } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) else if (SecBank == FLASH_BANK_2) { *SecSize = READ_BIT(FLASH->SEC2R, FLASH_SEC2R_SEC_SIZE2); } else { /* Nothing to do */ } #endif } /** * @brief Return the Boot Lock configuration into Option Byte. * @retval BootLockConfig. * This return value can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_BOOT_LOCK_ENABLE: Boot lock enabled * @arg OB_BOOT_LOCK_DISABLE: Boot lock disabled */ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetBootLock(void) { return (READ_REG(FLASH->SEC1R) & FLASH_SEC1R_BOOT_LOCK); } /** * @brief Return the Write Protection configuration into Option Bytes. * @param[in] WRPArea specifies the area to be returned. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAA: Flash Bank 1 Area A * @arg OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAB: Flash Bank 1 Area B * @arg OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAA: Flash Bank 2 Area A (don't apply to STM32G43x/STM32G44x devices) * @arg OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAB: Flash Bank 2 Area B (don't apply to STM32G43x/STM32G44x devices) * @param[out] WRPStartOffset specifies the address where to copied the start page * of the write protected area. * @param[out] WRDPEndOffset specifies the address where to copied the end page of * the write protected area. * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_GetWRP(uint32_t WRPArea, uint32_t *WRPStartOffset, uint32_t *WRDPEndOffset) { /* Get the configuration of the write protected area */ if (WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAA) { *WRPStartOffset = READ_BIT(FLASH->WRP1AR, FLASH_WRP1AR_WRP1A_STRT); *WRDPEndOffset = (READ_BIT(FLASH->WRP1AR, FLASH_WRP1AR_WRP1A_END) >> FLASH_WRP1AR_WRP1A_END_Pos); } else if (WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK1_AREAB) { *WRPStartOffset = READ_BIT(FLASH->WRP1BR, FLASH_WRP1BR_WRP1B_STRT); *WRDPEndOffset = (READ_BIT(FLASH->WRP1BR, FLASH_WRP1BR_WRP1B_END) >> FLASH_WRP1BR_WRP1B_END_Pos); } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) else if (WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAA) { *WRPStartOffset = READ_BIT(FLASH->WRP2AR, FLASH_WRP2AR_WRP2A_STRT); *WRDPEndOffset = (READ_BIT(FLASH->WRP2AR, FLASH_WRP2AR_WRP2A_END) >> FLASH_WRP2AR_WRP2A_END_Pos); } else if (WRPArea == OB_WRPAREA_BANK2_AREAB) { *WRPStartOffset = READ_BIT(FLASH->WRP2BR, FLASH_WRP2BR_WRP2B_STRT); *WRDPEndOffset = (READ_BIT(FLASH->WRP2BR, FLASH_WRP2BR_WRP2B_END) >> FLASH_WRP2BR_WRP2B_END_Pos); } #endif else { /* Nothing to do */ } } /** * @brief Return the FLASH Read Protection level into Option Bytes. * @retval RDP_Level * This return value can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_0: No protection * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_1: Read protection of the memory * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_2: Full chip protection */ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetRDP(void) { uint32_t rdp_level = READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTR, FLASH_OPTR_RDP); if ((rdp_level != OB_RDP_LEVEL_0) && (rdp_level != OB_RDP_LEVEL_2)) { return (OB_RDP_LEVEL_1); } else { return rdp_level; } } /** * @brief Return the FLASH User Option Byte value. * @retval OB_user_config * This return value is a combination of @ref FLASH_OB_USER_BOR_LEVEL, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nRST_STOP, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nRST_STANDBY, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nRST_SHUTDOWN, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_SW, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_STOP, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_STANDBY, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_WWDG_SW, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_WWDG_SW, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_BFB2 (*), @ref FLASH_OB_USER_DBANK (*), * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_nBOOT1, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_SRAM_PE, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_CCMSRAM_RST, @ref OB_USER_nSWBOOT0,@ref FLASH_OB_USER_nBOOT0, * @ref FLASH_OB_USER_NRST_MODE, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_INTERNAL_RESET_HOLDER * @note (*) availability depends on devices */ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetUser(void) { uint32_t user_config = READ_REG(FLASH->OPTR); CLEAR_BIT(user_config, FLASH_OPTR_RDP); return user_config; } /** * @brief Return the FLASH PCROP configuration into Option Bytes. * @param[in,out] PCROPConfig specifies the configuration (Bank to be configured and PCROP_RDP option). * This parameter must be a combination of FLASH_BANK_1 or FLASH_BANK_2 * with OB_PCROP_RDP_NOT_ERASE or OB_PCROP_RDP_ERASE. * @param[out] PCROPStartAddr specifies the address where to copied the start address * of the Proprietary code readout protection. * @param[out] PCROPEndAddr specifies the address where to copied the end address of * the Proprietary code readout protection. * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_GetPCROP(uint32_t *PCROPConfig, uint32_t *PCROPStartAddr, uint32_t *PCROPEndAddr) { uint32_t reg_value; uint32_t bank1_addr; #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) uint32_t bank2_addr; /* Get the information about the bank swapping */ if (READ_BIT(SYSCFG->MEMRMP, SYSCFG_MEMRMP_FB_MODE) == 0U) { bank1_addr = FLASH_BASE; bank2_addr = FLASH_BASE + FLASH_BANK_SIZE; } else { bank1_addr = FLASH_BASE + FLASH_BANK_SIZE; bank2_addr = FLASH_BASE; } #else bank1_addr = FLASH_BASE; #endif #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) if (READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTR, FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) == 0U) { if (((*PCROPConfig) & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_1) { reg_value = (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP1SR) & FLASH_PCROP1SR_PCROP1_STRT); *PCROPStartAddr = (reg_value << 4) + FLASH_BASE; reg_value = (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP1ER) & FLASH_PCROP1ER_PCROP1_END); *PCROPEndAddr = (reg_value << 4) + FLASH_BASE; } else if (((*PCROPConfig) & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_2) { reg_value = (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP2SR) & FLASH_PCROP2SR_PCROP2_STRT); *PCROPStartAddr = (reg_value << 4) + FLASH_BASE; reg_value = (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP2ER) & FLASH_PCROP2ER_PCROP2_END); *PCROPEndAddr = (reg_value << 4) + FLASH_BASE; } else { /* Nothing to do */ } } else #endif { if (((*PCROPConfig) & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_1) { reg_value = (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP1SR) & FLASH_PCROP1SR_PCROP1_STRT); *PCROPStartAddr = (reg_value << 3) + bank1_addr; reg_value = (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP1ER) & FLASH_PCROP1ER_PCROP1_END); *PCROPEndAddr = (reg_value << 3) + bank1_addr; } #if defined (FLASH_OPTR_DBANK) else if (((*PCROPConfig) & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_2) { reg_value = (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP2SR) & FLASH_PCROP2SR_PCROP2_STRT); *PCROPStartAddr = (reg_value << 3) + bank2_addr; reg_value = (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP2ER) & FLASH_PCROP2ER_PCROP2_END); *PCROPEndAddr = (reg_value << 3) + bank2_addr; } #endif else { /* Nothing to do */ } } *PCROPConfig |= (READ_REG(FLASH->PCROP1ER) & FLASH_PCROP1ER_PCROP_RDP); } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #endif /* HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */