import random import time import can waitForUserInput = True bus = None def sendMessageOnCan(message, bustype="socketcan", channel="can0"): global bus if bus is None: bus = can.interface.Bus(channel, bustype="socketcan") busEnabled = True msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x002, data=message, is_extended_id=False) bus.send(msg) time.sleep(1) def recive(bustype="socketcan", channel="can0"): global bus message = bus.recv() if message is None: print("Timeout occurred, no message.") # timeOut else: # print('We got a message hell yeah') print(message) return message def waitForUserInput(waitForUserInput): if waitForUserInput: readInput = "n" print("Ready to start ? ") while "y" not in readInput: print("Enter y to start or c to cancel ") readInput = input(" ") if readInput == "c": return -1 return 0 def CanTest(bustype="socketcan", channel="can0"): # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# print("Start testing the can bus connectivity ") global waitForUserInput if waitForUserInput(waitForUserInput) != 0: return print("testing can for a single message") messageType = 1 testMessage = [messageType, 0xC, 0, 0xF, 0xF, 0xE, 0xE] testMessageData = [1, 12, 0, 15, 15, 14, 14, 0] sendMessageOnCan(testMessage) recivedMessage = recive().data result = True count = 0 for entry in recivedMessage: if entry != testMessageData[count]: result = False break count = count + 1 print(recivedMessage) print("Sending a single message test with answer result {}".format(result)) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# print("testing for multiple sends") if waitForUserInput(waitForUserInput) != 0: return packete = [] sendCountFinally = 0 trials = 12 for sendCount in range(trials): sendMessageOnCan([1, 0xC, 0, 0xF, 0xF, 0xE, 0xE, sendCount]) time.sleep(0.1) packete.append(recive()) for packet in packete: print( print( "Sending multiple testmessages test with answer result {}".format( len(packete) == len(range(trials)) ) ) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# print("I am done with this shit")