
231 lines
5.4 KiB

import atexit
import json
from datetime import datetime
from slugify import slugify
from .config import Config
config = Config()
SPACES = int(config['json_indent']) if config['json_indent'] else None
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query, operations
dbfile = config['db_file'] or '/tmp/ftracker-db.json'
db = TinyDB(dbfile, indent=SPACES)
from .namelist import NameList
namefile = config['name_file'] or None
namelist = NameList(namefile)
from flask import Flask, request, redirect
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='../web')
if config['delete_after_days']:
from .deleter import Deleter
deleter = Deleter(db, int(config['delete_after_days']))
if config['notify_after_hrs']:
from .notifier import Notifier
notifier = Notifier(db, int(config['notify_after_hrs']), {
'private_key': config['push_private_key'],
'claims': {'sub': config['push_sender_info']}
def shutdown():
print('\rReceived stop signal, stopping threads...')
def get_guidelines():
dest = config['guideline_url'] or None
if dest:
return redirect(dest)
return "No guideline document was configured.", 404
@app.route('/arrival', methods=['POST'])
def post_arrival():
payload ='UTF-8')
data = json.loads(payload)
except ValueError as e:
return 'Error: JSON decode error:\n' + str(e), 400
if not ('room' in data and 'name' in data and 'agreetoguidelines' in data):
return "Error: Key missing. See docs/ for reference.", 400
if not data['agreetoguidelines']:
return "Error: Didn't agree to guidelines.", 406
name = slugify(data['name'])
if not name in namelist:
return "Error: Name not in permitted list.", 401
Entry = Query()
openarrival = db.get(( == name) & (Entry.departure == None))
if openarrival:
# Did not depart last time
return json.dumps({
'request': 'departure',
'arrival': {
'time': openarrival['arrival'],
'room': openarrival['room']
'message': "Error: Undeparted arrival exists"
}, indent=SPACES), 409
now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z'
'name': name,
'tested': data.get('tested') or False,
'room': data['room'],
'arrival': data.get('arrival') or now,
'departure': None
return 'OK', 200
@app.route('/departure', methods=['POST'])
def post_departure():
payload ='UTF-8')
data = json.loads(payload)
except ValueError as e:
return 'Error: JSON decode error:\n' + str(e), 400
if not ('name' in data and 'cleanedworkspace' in data):
return "Error: Key missing. See docs/ for reference.", 400
if not data['cleanedworkspace']:
return "Error: Didn't clean workspace.", 406
name = slugify(data['name'])
if not name in namelist:
return "Error: Name not in permitted list.", 401
Entry = Query()
openarrival = db.get(( == name) & (Entry.departure == None))
if not openarrival:
# Did not arrive before
return json.dumps({
'request': 'arrival',
'message': "Error: No arrival exists"
}, indent=SPACES), 409
now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z'
operations.set('departure', data.get('departure') or now),
( == name) & (Entry.departure == None)
return 'OK', 200
def get_data():
if not 'Authorization' in request.headers:
return 'Error: No Authorization', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic'}
if request.authorization.username != config['admin_user']:
return "Wrong username", 403
if request.authorization.password != config['admin_pass']:
return "Wrong password", 403
start = request.args.get('start', default = None, type = str)
end = request.args.get('end' , default = None, type = str)
room = request.args.get('room' , default = None, type = str)
# Skip DB query if no parameters given
# (Which is currently every request)
if not (start or end or room):
return json.dumps(db.all(), indent=SPACES), 200
def is_after(val, iso):
return (val >= iso if val else True ) if iso else True
def is_before(val, iso):
return (val <= iso if val else False) if iso else True
Entry = Query()
r =
(Entry.departure.test(is_after, start)) &
(Entry.arrival.test(is_before, end)) &
( or ".*"))
return json.dumps(r, indent=SPACES), 200
def get_pushinfo():
if config['notify_after_hrs']:
r = {
'enabled': True,
'publickey': config['push_public_key']
r = {
'enabled': False,
'publickey': None
return json.dumps(r, indent=SPACES), 200
@app.route('/pushsubscribe', methods=['POST'])
def post_pushsub():
payload ='UTF-8')
data = json.loads(payload)
except ValueError as e:
return 'Error: JSON decode error:\n' + str(e), 400
return 'OK', 201
def testpush(name):
if not 'Authorization' in request.headers:
return 'Error: No Authorization', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic'}
if request.authorization.username != config['admin_user']:
return "Wrong username", 403
if request.authorization.password != config['admin_pass']:
return "Wrong password", 403
Entry = Query()
arrivals = == name) & (Entry.departure == None))
if len(arrivals) == 0:
print("User is not logged in :(")
return "Error: User is not logged in :(", 409
error = notifier.notify_user(arrivals[0])
if error:
return 'Error: ' + error, 404
return 'OK', 201