# FT Corona Tracker Small webapp to track who was in which room at which time to backtrace potential viral infections. **WORK IN PROGRESS** This project is still under heavy construction and not ready for use in production. For Ideas and Progress see [Issues](https://git.fasttube.de/FaSTTUBe/ft-corona-tracker/issues). ## Requirements - Unixoid system (linux, BSD, macOS). Windows might also work. - `python` 3.6+ (might be `python3` on your system) - `pip` for python 3+ (might be `pip3` on your system) ## How to run (Dev setup, prod setup not finished yet) ```bash # clone, cd into repo pip install -e . python3 -m ftracker ``` Edit `config.ini` to tune your installation. Then, point your browser at . ## Installation/Deployment 1. FTracker Backend As above: ```bash # clone, cd into repo pip install . # Use -e if you want to hack on the backend while installed. ``` 2. WSGI Server You need a WSGI Middleware (using `Flask`'s included `werkzeug` is discouraged for production environments.). I recommend `uwsgi` since it's flexible, fast and has `nginx` integration. A sample configuration file as well as service description files for both `systemd` and `rc` are included in `res/` which you can adapt to your system (file paths etc.) (The `systemd` service file still untested, feel free to leave feedback). 3. Webserver You need a webserver. I recommend `nginx` because it's the industry standard and fast. A sample config file is included at `res/ftracker.nginx.conf` which you can adapt to your system (domain, SSL certs). The configuration should include: Webroot in `web/` with a fallback to the WSGI handler for the backend. Enabling SSL (https) and redirecting http to https is strongly encouraged, i recommend using `let'sencrypt`'s `certbot` to easily obtain certificates. 4. Customization Edit `config.ini` to your liking. Restart the backend by restarting the `uwsgi` service, e.g. `sudo systemctl restart ftracker` or `sudo service ftracker restart` ## License Licensed under GNU GPL v3, see [LICENSE.md](https://git.fasttube.de/FaSTTUBe/ft-corona-tracker/src/branch/master/LICENSE.md) for details. Copyright (C) 2020 Oskar/FaSTTUBe