const defaultState = { style: 'FSCzech', id: null, title: null, questions: [], timer: 0, interval: null, success: 0 } var state = defaultState function changeView(view) { for (el of document.querySelectorAll('.view')) = 'none' document.getElementById(view).style.display = 'block' } function showLink() { var link = '' + var linkEl = document.getElementById('shareLink') linkEl.href = link linkEl.innerHTML = link document.querySelector('#sharing input').style.display = 'none' } function removeLink() { var linkEl = document.getElementById('shareLink') linkEl.href = '' linkEl.innerHTML = '' document.querySelector('#sharing input').style.display = 'block' } async function shareQuiz() { if ( { console.log('Showing saved local link') showLink() return } console.log('Saving quiz to server. QuizData:') var quizData = { title: state.title, questions: state.questions } console.log(quizData) console.log('Waiting for id') var db = '' var response = await fetch(db, { method: 'POST', headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}, body: JSON.stringify(quizData) }) if (response.ok == false) { alert('Something went wrong while sharing') return } var responseBody = await response.text() console.log('Received id: ' + responseBody) = responseBody showLink() } function updateTimer() { var button = document.getElementById('quizSubmitButton') if (state.timer > 0) { button.value = 'Wait ' + state.timer + 's' button.disabled = true state.timer -= 1 } else { button.value = 'Submit Answers' button.disabled = false clearInterval(state.interval) } localStorage.setItem('state', JSON.stringify(state)) } function startTimer(time) { state.timer = time || 30 console.log('Setting timer to ' + state.timer + ' seconds.') updateTimer() state.interval = setInterval(updateTimer, 1000) } function parseLine(line) { // replace newline markers with newlines var els = line.replace(/⎊/g, '
').split('\t') if (els.length < 4) { alert('Information missing. At least 4 columns needed.') return null } var type = els[0] // For multiple-choice, split lines into array var choices = els[2].split('
') // If multiple answers are allowed, they are ampersand-separated var answers = (els[3]) ? els[3].split('
') : null return { question: els[1] || '[No question provided]', type: type, choices: choices, answers: answers, explanation: els[4] || '[No explanation provided]', author: els[5] || '[No author provided]', picture: els[6] || null, } } function parseSpreadsheet() { console.log('Parsing spreadsheet data') var textEl = document.getElementById('questions') var text = textEl.value.replace(/"([^"]|"")+"/g, m => m.replace(/\n/g, '⎊').replace(/""/g, '"').replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1')) state.questions = text.split('\n').map(parseLine) if (state.questions[0] == null) return {success: false} localStorage.setItem('state', JSON.stringify(state)) return {success: true} } function startQuiz() { state.success = false console.log('Starting/Resuming quiz. State:') console.log(state) var quizForm = document.querySelector('#quiz form') for (const [i, q] of state.questions.entries()) { var html = '' html += `

Question #${i+1}

` html += `


` if (q.picture) html += `` if (q.type == 'ChooseOne' || q.type == 'ChooseAny') { var choices = Array.from(q.choices.entries()) var shuffled = choices.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5) for ([ci, c] of shuffled) html += (q.type == 'ChooseOne') ? `
` : `
` } else { for (c of q.choices) html += `` } quizForm.innerHTML += html } changeView('quiz') if (state.timer > 0) startTimer(state.timer) else updateTimer() console.log('Quiz started/resumed') } function updateTitles() { document.querySelector('#prescreen h1').innerHTML = state.title || '' document.querySelector('#quiz h1').innerHTML = state.title || '' } function createQuiz() { console.log('Creating new quiz') state = defaultState removeLink() if (parseSpreadsheet().success == false) return console.log('Spreadsheet parsing successful') state.title = document.getElementById('titleField').value updateTitles() changeView('prescreen') console.log('Quiz created') } function endQuiz() { console.log('Ending quiz') localStorage.removeItem('state') document.querySelector('#quiz form').innerHTML = '' changeView('postscreen') if (state.interval) clearInterval(state.interval) console.log('Quiz ended') } function mergeKeyReducer(acc, entry) { if (!acc[entry[0]]) acc[entry[0]] = [] acc[entry[0]].push(entry[1]) return acc } function submitQuiz() { console.log('Submitting quiz. State:') console.log(state) var quizForm = document.querySelector('#quiz form') var data = new FormData(quizForm) var responses = Array.from(data.entries()).reduce(mergeKeyReducer, {}) console.log(responses) var correct = 0 for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(responses)) { console.log(key + ": " + value) // "q3" -> 3 var idx = key[1] if (state.questions[idx].type == 'ChooseOne' || state.questions[idx].type == 'ChooseAny') { state.questions[idx].answers.sort() value.sort() } if (JSON.stringify(state.questions[idx].answers) == JSON.stringify(value)) correct++ } var text = '' + correct + '/' + state.questions.length + ' questions answered correctly.\n' state.success = (correct == state.questions.length) text += state.success ? 'Yay you did it!' : 'Try again!' if (!state.success) { startTimer() alert(text) } if (state.success) { document.querySelector('#postscreen h1').innerHTML = `Yay, we're done!
Everything is correct :)` endQuiz() } console.log('Quiz submitted') } function abortQuiz() { console.log('Aborting quiz') if (!confirm('You sure you want to abort this quiz? Your progress will be lost.')) return document.querySelector('#postscreen h1').innerHTML = `Quiz cancelled.` endQuiz() console.log('Quiz cancelled') } function idFromUrl() { var s = window.location.href.split('id=') if (s.length <= 1) return null return s[1].split('&')[0] } async function fetchQuiz(id) { console.log('Fetching quiz') var url = '' + id var response = await fetch(url) if (response.ok == false) { alert('Something went wrong while loading this quiz') return } var json = await response.json() console.log('Quiz fetched. Response:') console.log(json) return json } window.onload = async function() { console.log('onload') var stateString = localStorage.getItem('state') var urlId = idFromUrl() console.log('URL ID:' + urlId) if (stateString) { console.log('Loading local state') state = JSON.parse(stateString) } // only fetch if it's a different one var useUrl = (urlId && urlId != if (useUrl) { console.log('Using remote quiz from url') quiz = await fetchQuiz(urlId) state.title = quiz.title state.questions = quiz.questions = urlId changeView('prescreen') } updateTitles() if (stateString && !useUrl) startQuiz() if (!stateString && !useUrl) changeView('spreadsheet') console.log('onload complete') }