194 lines
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******STMicroelectronics MOSFET, IGBT and Bipolar Library *******
* *
* Models provided by STMicroelectronics are not guaranteed to *
* fully represent all the specifications and operating *
* characteristics of the product behavior that they reproduce. *
* The model describes the characteristics of a typical device. *
* In all cases, the current product data sheet contains all *
* information to be used like final design guidelines and the *
* only actual performance specification. *
* Altough models can be a useful tool in evaluating device *
* performance, they cannot model exact device performance under *
* all conditions. *
* STMicroelectronics therefore does not assume any *
* responsibility arising from their use. *
* STMicroelectronics reserves the right to change models *
* without prior notice. *
* *
* Note: The model doesn't take into account the drain, gate, *
* source inductances.If these contributions have to be *
* considered it is possible include the inductors externally. *
* For this package the values can be estimated as follow *
* *
* Ldrain= 1nH ,Lsource=2nH and Lgate=2.5nH *
.SUBCKT STB10LN80K5_V2 drain gate source
R1 Val_T 0 1E-03
Rtk Tj 0 1E010
Rtk1 Tj 0 1E010
VLd drain d1k 0
V_Read d1k d1 0
VLs source ss 0
VLg gate g2 0
Rg1 g2 g {Rg}
.PARAM AreaCap={0.45} Area={0.665} Gfs={0.45}
.PARAM Vth0=5.81 KpSat0=25 KpLin0=25
.PARAM Rs=10E-02 Drs=-1.5
.PARAM Vthx=2.5E-03 KSat=-0.6 KLin=-0.5
.PARAM Lambda=0.001 Rdrain={165E-03/Area}
.PARAM A=1 B=1 Rx=4.49 Rpa=1E-06 Unt=-1.5
.FUNC Vth1(x) {Vth0-Vthx*(x-27)}
.FUNC kpsat(x) {KpSat0*((x+273)/300)**(KSat)}
.FUNC kplin(x) {KpLin0*((x+273)/300)**(KLin)}
V2xx d1 22xxx 0
E2xxx 22xxx d VALUE={R2(I(V2xx),V(TJ))}
.FUNC R2(I1,T2) {I1*(Rdrain+Rpa*((I1**A))**Rx)/((B*((T2+273)/300)**(Unt))*Area)}
R_Grs ss s 1E03
V1xx 11xxx ss 0
E1xxx 11xxx s VALUE={R1(Limit(I(V1xx),-1MEG,1MEG),V(TJ))}
.FUNC R1(I1,T1) {-(I1)*((Rs/(Area*(((T1+273)/300)**(Drs)))))}
Gmos d s VALUE {0.9*Gfs*(IF(V(d,s)>0,(IF(V(g,s)<Vth1(V(TJ)),0,
CGS source g {1019E-12*AreaCap}
RCGS source g 1000E06
EDeV DeV1 0 VALUE {V(d,g)}
C_DeV1 DeV1 DeV2 1E-12
R_DeV DeV2 DeV3 1E-06
V_Miller DeV3 0 0
G_Miller d g VALUE ={AreaCap*1*V(alfa)*i(V_Miller)*1E12}
RCap Alfa 0 1E03
ECap Alfa 0 TABLE ={V(d,g)}
EDeVc DeV1c 0 VALUE {V(d,s)}
C_DeV1c DeV1c DeV2c 1E-12
R_DeVc DeV2c DeV3c 1E-06
V_Millerc DeV3c 0 0
G_Coss d s VALUE ={1*AreaCap*V(Alfa2)*i(V_Millerc)*1E12}
RCap2 Alfa2 0 1E03
ECap2 Alfa2 0 TABLE ={V(d,s)}
V_Sense2 sx s 0
G_BVdss d1bVdss1 ss VALUE={I_BVdss(V(d1bVdss1,ss),V(Tj))}
R_GBdss d1bVdss1 0 1E12
.FUNC I_BVdss(z,k1) {(exp(min(-175+z/(bvd(k1)),7))-0E-12)}
.FUNC bvd(k) {5.07*BVDSS+0.005*k}
R_BVdss d1 d1bVdss1 {RAV}
.PARAM ResDiodo={0.003/AreaCap}
V_Diodo d1zd d1z 0
G_Diode source d1zd VALUE={I_Diode(V(source,d1zd),V(Tj))}
R_X source d1zd 1E12
.FUNC I_Diode(z3,k3) {(exp(min(-15+z3/(did(k3)),7))-0E-12)}
.FUNC did(k4) {0.051-69E-06*k4}
R_G_R_didd d1 d1z {ResDiodo}
E_E001 ba 0 VALUE {-I(V_Diodo)}
R_R002 aa ba 5E03
C aa 0 17E-12
.PARAM Irrm=17E05
R_edep drain d_dedep 30
E_Eds d_dedep edep VALUE {-V(aa,0)*Irrm*AreaCap}
Edeva dev1a 0 value {v(edep,source)}
C_dev1a dev1a dev2a 1E-12
R_deva dev2a dev3a 1E-06
V_millera dev3a 0 0
G_millera edep source value ={v(alfaa)*i(V_millera)*1E12}
Rcapa alfaa 0 1E03
Ecapa alfaa 0 TABLE ={V(Tj)}