LTspice 24.0.12 for Windows Circuit: * C:\lene\fasttube\FT25\03_ams\ams-master\precharge circuit\simulation\pre.asc Start Time: Sat Jan 11 19:21:51 2025 solver = Normal Maximum thread count: 8 tnom = 27 temp = 20 method = modified trap Direct Newton iteration failed to find .op point. (Use ".option noopiter" to skip.) Starting Gmin stepping Increasing initial diagonal Gmin to 100 Increasing initial diagonal Gmin to 1000 Increasing initial diagonal Gmin to 10000 Increasing initial diagonal Gmin to 100000 Increasing initial diagonal Gmin to 1e+06 Initial Gmin=1e+06 failed Gmin stepping failed Starting source stepping with srcstepmethod=0 Source Step = 3.0303% Source Step = 33.3333% Source Step = 63.6364% Source Step = 93.9394% Source stepping succeeded in finding the operating point. Total elapsed time: 0.106 seconds.