LTspice 24.0.12 for Windows Circuit: * C:\lene\fasttube\FT25\03_ams\ams-master\precharge circuit\simulation\pre.asc Start Time: Sat Jan 11 18:46:47 2025 solver = Normal Maximum thread count: 8 tnom = 27 temp = 27 method = modified trap WARNING: Less than two connections to node u2:sx. This node is used by v:u2:_sense2. Singular matrix: Check nodes u2:d and ts+veh Iteration No. 6 Direct Newton iteration failed to find .op point. (Use ".option noopiter" to skip.) Starting Gmin stepping Gmin = 10 Gmin = 1.07374 Gmin = 0.115292 Gmin = 0.0123794 Gmin = 0.00132923 Gmin = 0.000142725 Gmin = 1.5325e-05 Gmin = 1.6455e-06 Gmin = 1.76685e-07 Gmin = 1.89714e-08 Gmin = 2.03704e-09 Gmin = 2.18725e-10 Gmin = 2.34854e-11 Gmin = 2.52173e-12 Gmin = 2.70769e-13 Gmin = 0 Gmin stepping succeeded in finding the operating point. Heightened Def Con from 1.26402 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Fatal Error: Analysis: Time step too small; time = 1.26402, timestep = 1.51951e-15: trouble with kdzv15b-instance d2