/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32h7xx_hal_flash_ex.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Extended FLASH HAL module driver. * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following * functionalities of the FLASH extension peripheral: * + Extended programming operations functions * @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### Flash Extension features ##### ============================================================================== [..] Comparing to other previous devices, the FLASH interface for STM32H7xx devices contains the following additional features (+) Capacity up to 2 Mbyte with dual bank architecture supporting read-while-write capability (RWW) (+) Dual bank memory organization (+) PCROP protection for all banks (+) Global readout protection (RDP) (+) Write protection (+) Secure access only protection (+) Bank / register swapping (when Dual-Bank) (+) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) ##### How to use this driver ##### ============================================================================== [..] This driver provides functions to configure and program the FLASH memory of all STM32H7xx devices. It includes (#) FLASH Memory Erase functions: (++) Lock and Unlock the FLASH interface using HAL_FLASH_Unlock() and HAL_FLASH_Lock() functions (++) Erase function: Sector erase, bank erase and dual-bank mass erase (++) There are two modes of erase : (+++) Polling Mode using HAL_FLASHEx_Erase() (+++) Interrupt Mode using HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT() (#) Option Bytes Programming functions: Use HAL_FLASHEx_OBProgram() to: (++) Set/Reset the write protection per bank (++) Set the Read protection Level (++) Set the BOR level (++) Program the user Option Bytes (++) PCROP protection configuration and control per bank (++) Secure area configuration and control per bank (++) Core Boot address configuration (++) TCM / AXI shared RAM configuration (++) CPU Frequency Boost configuration (#) FLASH Memory Lock and unlock per Bank: HAL_FLASHEx_Lock_Bank1(), HAL_FLASHEx_Unlock_Bank1(), HAL_FLASHEx_Lock_Bank2() and HAL_FLASHEx_Unlock_Bank2() functions (#) FLASH CRC computation function: Use HAL_FLASHEx_ComputeCRC() to: (++) Enable CRC feature (++) Program the desired burst size (++) Define the user Flash Area on which the CRC has be computed (++) Perform the CRC computation (++) Disable CRC feature (#) Error correction code error functions: (++) Use the HAL_FLASHEx_EnableEccCorrectionInterrupt() and HAL_FLASHEx_DisableEccCorrectionInterrupt() functions to enable and disable the FLASH ECC correction interruption. (++) Use the HAL_FLASHEx_EnableEccDetectionInterrupt() and HAL_FLASHEx_DisableEccDetectionInterrupt() functions to enable and disable the FLASH ECC Detection interruption. (++) Handle ECCD interrupt by calling HAL_FLASHEx_BusFault_IRQHandler() (++) Use HAL_FLASHEx_BusFault_IRQHandler() function called under BusFault_IRQHandler() interrupt subroutine to handle the ECCD interrupt. (++) Use HAL_FLASHEx_GetEccInfo() function to get the flash ECC fail information. @endverbatim ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in * the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32h7xx_hal.h" /** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver * @{ */ /** @defgroup FLASHEx FLASHEx * @brief FLASH HAL Extension module driver * @{ */ #ifdef HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup FLASHEx_Private_Constants * @{ */ #define FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE 50000U /* 50 s */ /** * @} */ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASHEx_Private_Functions FLASHEx Private Functions * @{ */ static void FLASH_MassErase(uint32_t VoltageRange, uint32_t Banks); static void FLASH_OB_EnableWRP(uint32_t WRPSector, uint32_t Banks); static void FLASH_OB_DisableWRP(uint32_t WRPSector, uint32_t Bank); static void FLASH_OB_GetWRP(uint32_t *WRPState, uint32_t *WRPSector, uint32_t Bank); static void FLASH_OB_RDPConfig(uint32_t RDPLevel); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetRDP(void); static void FLASH_OB_PCROPConfig(uint32_t PCROConfigRDP, uint32_t PCROPStartAddr, uint32_t PCROPEndAddr, uint32_t Banks); static void FLASH_OB_GetPCROP(uint32_t *PCROPConfig, uint32_t *PCROPStartAddr,uint32_t *PCROPEndAddr, uint32_t Bank); static void FLASH_OB_BOR_LevelConfig(uint32_t Level); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetBOR(void); static void FLASH_OB_UserConfig(uint32_t UserType, uint32_t UserConfig); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetUser(void); static void FLASH_OB_BootAddConfig(uint32_t BootOption, uint32_t BootAddress0, uint32_t BootAddress1); static void FLASH_OB_GetBootAdd(uint32_t *BootAddress0, uint32_t *BootAddress1); static void FLASH_OB_SecureAreaConfig(uint32_t SecureAreaConfig, uint32_t SecureAreaStartAddr, uint32_t SecureAreaEndAddr, uint32_t Banks); static void FLASH_OB_GetSecureArea(uint32_t *SecureAreaConfig, uint32_t *SecureAreaStartAddr, uint32_t *SecureAreaEndAddr, uint32_t Bank); static void FLASH_CRC_AddSector(uint32_t Sector, uint32_t Bank); static void FLASH_CRC_SelectAddress(uint32_t CRCStartAddr, uint32_t CRCEndAddr, uint32_t Bank); #if defined (DUAL_CORE) static void FLASH_OB_CM4BootAddConfig(uint32_t BootOption, uint32_t BootAddress0, uint32_t BootAddress1); static void FLASH_OB_GetCM4BootAdd(uint32_t *BootAddress0, uint32_t *BootAddress1); #endif /*DUAL_CORE*/ #if defined (FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL) static void FLASH_OB_OTP_LockConfig(uint32_t OTP_Block); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_OTP_GetLock(void); #endif /* FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL */ #if defined (FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED) static void FLASH_OB_SharedRAM_Config(uint32_t SharedRamConfig); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_SharedRAM_GetConfig(void); #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED */ #if defined (FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST) static void FLASH_OB_CPUFreq_BoostConfig(uint32_t FreqBoost); static uint32_t FLASH_OB_CPUFreq_GetBoost(void); #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST */ /** * @} */ /* Exported functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASHEx_Exported_Functions FLASHEx Exported Functions * @{ */ /** @defgroup FLASHEx_Exported_Functions_Group1 Extended IO operation functions * @brief Extended IO operation functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Extended programming operation functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to manage the Extension FLASH programming operations Operations. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Perform a mass erase or erase the specified FLASH memory sectors * @param[in] pEraseInit pointer to an FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the erasing. * * @param[out] SectorError pointer to variable that contains the configuration * information on faulty sector in case of error (0xFFFFFFFF means that all * the sectors have been correctly erased) * * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit, uint32_t *SectorError) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; uint32_t sector_index; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_TYPEERASE(pEraseInit->TypeErase)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(pEraseInit->Banks)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(&pFlash); /* Reset error code */ pFlash.ErrorCode = HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE; /* Wait for last operation to be completed on Bank1 */ if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { if(FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_1) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /* Wait for last operation to be completed on Bank2 */ if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { if(FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_2) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ if(status == HAL_OK) { if(pEraseInit->TypeErase == FLASH_TYPEERASE_MASSERASE) { /* Mass erase to be done */ FLASH_MassErase(pEraseInit->VoltageRange, pEraseInit->Banks); /* Wait for last operation to be completed on Bank 1 */ if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { if(FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_1) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } /* if the erase operation is completed, disable the Bank1 BER Bit */ FLASH->CR1 &= (~FLASH_CR_BER); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /* Wait for last operation to be completed on Bank 2 */ if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { if(FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_2) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } /* if the erase operation is completed, disable the Bank2 BER Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= (~FLASH_CR_BER); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } else { /*Initialization of SectorError variable*/ *SectorError = 0xFFFFFFFFU; /* Erase by sector by sector to be done*/ for(sector_index = pEraseInit->Sector; sector_index < (pEraseInit->NbSectors + pEraseInit->Sector); sector_index++) { FLASH_Erase_Sector(sector_index, pEraseInit->Banks, pEraseInit->VoltageRange); if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_1); /* If the erase operation is completed, disable the SER Bit */ FLASH->CR1 &= (~(FLASH_CR_SER | FLASH_CR_SNB)); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_2); /* If the erase operation is completed, disable the SER Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= (~(FLASH_CR_SER | FLASH_CR_SNB)); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ if(status != HAL_OK) { /* In case of error, stop erase procedure and return the faulty sector */ *SectorError = sector_index; break; } } } } /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(&pFlash); return status; } /** * @brief Perform a mass erase or erase the specified FLASH memory sectors with interrupt enabled * @param pEraseInit pointer to an FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the erasing. * * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_TYPEERASE(pEraseInit->TypeErase)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(pEraseInit->Banks)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(&pFlash); /* Reset error code */ pFlash.ErrorCode = HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE; /* Wait for last operation to be completed on Bank 1 */ if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { if(FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_1) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /* Wait for last operation to be completed on Bank 2 */ if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { if(FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_2) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ if (status != HAL_OK) { /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(&pFlash); } else { if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { /* Enable End of Operation and Error interrupts for Bank 1 */ #if defined (FLASH_CR_OPERRIE) __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT_BANK1(FLASH_IT_EOP_BANK1 | FLASH_IT_WRPERR_BANK1 | FLASH_IT_PGSERR_BANK1 | \ FLASH_IT_STRBERR_BANK1 | FLASH_IT_INCERR_BANK1 | FLASH_IT_OPERR_BANK1); #else __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT_BANK1(FLASH_IT_EOP_BANK1 | FLASH_IT_WRPERR_BANK1 | FLASH_IT_PGSERR_BANK1 | \ FLASH_IT_STRBERR_BANK1 | FLASH_IT_INCERR_BANK1); #endif /* FLASH_CR_OPERRIE */ } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((pEraseInit->Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { /* Enable End of Operation and Error interrupts for Bank 2 */ #if defined (FLASH_CR_OPERRIE) __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT_BANK2(FLASH_IT_EOP_BANK2 | FLASH_IT_WRPERR_BANK2 | FLASH_IT_PGSERR_BANK2 | \ FLASH_IT_STRBERR_BANK2 | FLASH_IT_INCERR_BANK2 | FLASH_IT_OPERR_BANK2); #else __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT_BANK2(FLASH_IT_EOP_BANK2 | FLASH_IT_WRPERR_BANK2 | FLASH_IT_PGSERR_BANK2 | \ FLASH_IT_STRBERR_BANK2 | FLASH_IT_INCERR_BANK2); #endif /* FLASH_CR_OPERRIE */ } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ if(pEraseInit->TypeErase == FLASH_TYPEERASE_MASSERASE) { /*Mass erase to be done*/ if(pEraseInit->Banks == FLASH_BANK_1) { pFlash.ProcedureOnGoing = FLASH_PROC_MASSERASE_BANK1; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) else if(pEraseInit->Banks == FLASH_BANK_2) { pFlash.ProcedureOnGoing = FLASH_PROC_MASSERASE_BANK2; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ else { pFlash.ProcedureOnGoing = FLASH_PROC_ALLBANK_MASSERASE; } FLASH_MassErase(pEraseInit->VoltageRange, pEraseInit->Banks); } else { /* Erase by sector to be done */ #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if(pEraseInit->Banks == FLASH_BANK_1) { pFlash.ProcedureOnGoing = FLASH_PROC_SECTERASE_BANK1; } else { pFlash.ProcedureOnGoing = FLASH_PROC_SECTERASE_BANK2; } #else pFlash.ProcedureOnGoing = FLASH_PROC_SECTERASE_BANK1; #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ pFlash.NbSectorsToErase = pEraseInit->NbSectors; pFlash.Sector = pEraseInit->Sector; pFlash.VoltageForErase = pEraseInit->VoltageRange; /* Erase first sector and wait for IT */ FLASH_Erase_Sector(pEraseInit->Sector, pEraseInit->Banks, pEraseInit->VoltageRange); } } return status; } /** * @brief Program option bytes * @param pOBInit pointer to an FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the programming. * * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_OBProgram(FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef *pOBInit) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OPTIONBYTE(pOBInit->OptionType)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(&pFlash); /* Reset Error Code */ pFlash.ErrorCode = HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ if(FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_1) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) else if(FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_2) != HAL_OK) { status = HAL_ERROR; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ else { status = HAL_OK; } if(status == HAL_OK) { /*Write protection configuration*/ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_WRP) == OPTIONBYTE_WRP) { assert_param(IS_WRPSTATE(pOBInit->WRPState)); if(pOBInit->WRPState == OB_WRPSTATE_ENABLE) { /*Enable of Write protection on the selected Sector*/ FLASH_OB_EnableWRP(pOBInit->WRPSector,pOBInit->Banks); } else { /*Disable of Write protection on the selected Sector*/ FLASH_OB_DisableWRP(pOBInit->WRPSector, pOBInit->Banks); } } /* Read protection configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_RDP) != 0U) { /* Configure the Read protection level */ FLASH_OB_RDPConfig(pOBInit->RDPLevel); } /* User Configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_USER) != 0U) { /* Configure the user option bytes */ FLASH_OB_UserConfig(pOBInit->USERType, pOBInit->USERConfig); } /* PCROP Configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_PCROP) != 0U) { assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(pOBInit->Banks)); /*Configure the Proprietary code readout protection */ FLASH_OB_PCROPConfig(pOBInit->PCROPConfig, pOBInit->PCROPStartAddr, pOBInit->PCROPEndAddr, pOBInit->Banks); } /* BOR Level configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_BOR) == OPTIONBYTE_BOR) { FLASH_OB_BOR_LevelConfig(pOBInit->BORLevel); } #if defined(DUAL_CORE) /* CM7 Boot Address configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_CM7_BOOTADD) == OPTIONBYTE_CM7_BOOTADD) { FLASH_OB_BootAddConfig(pOBInit->BootConfig, pOBInit->BootAddr0, pOBInit->BootAddr1); } /* CM4 Boot Address configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_CM4_BOOTADD) == OPTIONBYTE_CM4_BOOTADD) { FLASH_OB_CM4BootAddConfig(pOBInit->CM4BootConfig, pOBInit->CM4BootAddr0, pOBInit->CM4BootAddr1); } #else /* Single Core*/ /* Boot Address configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_BOOTADD) == OPTIONBYTE_BOOTADD) { FLASH_OB_BootAddConfig(pOBInit->BootConfig, pOBInit->BootAddr0, pOBInit->BootAddr1); } #endif /*DUAL_CORE*/ /* Secure area configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_SECURE_AREA) == OPTIONBYTE_SECURE_AREA) { FLASH_OB_SecureAreaConfig(pOBInit->SecureAreaConfig, pOBInit->SecureAreaStartAddr, pOBInit->SecureAreaEndAddr,pOBInit->Banks); } #if defined(FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL) /* OTP Block Lock configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_OTP_LOCK) == OPTIONBYTE_OTP_LOCK) { FLASH_OB_OTP_LockConfig(pOBInit->OTPBlockLock); } #endif /* FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL */ #if defined(FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED) /* TCM / AXI Shared RAM configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_SHARED_RAM) == OPTIONBYTE_SHARED_RAM) { FLASH_OB_SharedRAM_Config(pOBInit->SharedRamConfig); } #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED */ #if defined(FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST) /* CPU Frequency Boost configuration */ if((pOBInit->OptionType & OPTIONBYTE_FREQ_BOOST) == OPTIONBYTE_FREQ_BOOST) { FLASH_OB_CPUFreq_BoostConfig(pOBInit->FreqBoostState); } #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST */ } /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(&pFlash); return status; } /** * @brief Get the Option byte configuration * @param pOBInit pointer to an FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the programming. * @note The parameter Banks of the pOBInit structure must be set exclusively to FLASH_BANK_1 or FLASH_BANK_2, * as this parameter is use to get the given Bank WRP, PCROP and secured area configuration. * * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_OBGetConfig(FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef *pOBInit) { pOBInit->OptionType = (OPTIONBYTE_USER | OPTIONBYTE_RDP | OPTIONBYTE_BOR); /* Get Read protection level */ pOBInit->RDPLevel = FLASH_OB_GetRDP(); /* Get the user option bytes */ pOBInit->USERConfig = FLASH_OB_GetUser(); /*Get BOR Level*/ pOBInit->BORLevel = FLASH_OB_GetBOR(); #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if ((pOBInit->Banks == FLASH_BANK_1) || (pOBInit->Banks == FLASH_BANK_2)) #else if (pOBInit->Banks == FLASH_BANK_1) #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ { pOBInit->OptionType |= (OPTIONBYTE_WRP | OPTIONBYTE_PCROP | OPTIONBYTE_SECURE_AREA); /* Get write protection on the selected area */ FLASH_OB_GetWRP(&(pOBInit->WRPState), &(pOBInit->WRPSector), pOBInit->Banks); /* Get the Proprietary code readout protection */ FLASH_OB_GetPCROP(&(pOBInit->PCROPConfig), &(pOBInit->PCROPStartAddr), &(pOBInit->PCROPEndAddr), pOBInit->Banks); /*Get Bank Secure area*/ FLASH_OB_GetSecureArea(&(pOBInit->SecureAreaConfig), &(pOBInit->SecureAreaStartAddr), &(pOBInit->SecureAreaEndAddr), pOBInit->Banks); } /*Get Boot Address*/ FLASH_OB_GetBootAdd(&(pOBInit->BootAddr0), &(pOBInit->BootAddr1)); #if defined(DUAL_CORE) pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_CM7_BOOTADD | OPTIONBYTE_CM4_BOOTADD; /*Get CM4 Boot Address*/ FLASH_OB_GetCM4BootAdd(&(pOBInit->CM4BootAddr0), &(pOBInit->CM4BootAddr1)); #else pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_BOOTADD; #endif /*DUAL_CORE*/ #if defined (FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL) pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_OTP_LOCK; /* Get OTP Block Lock */ pOBInit->OTPBlockLock = FLASH_OB_OTP_GetLock(); #endif /* FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL */ #if defined (FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED) pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_SHARED_RAM; /* Get TCM / AXI Shared RAM */ pOBInit->SharedRamConfig = FLASH_OB_SharedRAM_GetConfig(); #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED */ #if defined (FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST) pOBInit->OptionType |= OPTIONBYTE_FREQ_BOOST; /* Get CPU Frequency Boost */ pOBInit->FreqBoostState = FLASH_OB_CPUFreq_GetBoost(); #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST */ } /** * @brief Unlock the FLASH Bank1 control registers access * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Unlock_Bank1(void) { if(READ_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_LOCK) != 0U) { /* Authorize the FLASH Bank1 Registers access */ WRITE_REG(FLASH->KEYR1, FLASH_KEY1); WRITE_REG(FLASH->KEYR1, FLASH_KEY2); /* Verify Flash Bank1 is unlocked */ if (READ_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_LOCK) != 0U) { return HAL_ERROR; } } return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Locks the FLASH Bank1 control registers access * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Lock_Bank1(void) { /* Set the LOCK Bit to lock the FLASH Bank1 Registers access */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_LOCK); return HAL_OK; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /** * @brief Unlock the FLASH Bank2 control registers access * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Unlock_Bank2(void) { if(READ_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_LOCK) != 0U) { /* Authorize the FLASH Bank2 Registers access */ WRITE_REG(FLASH->KEYR2, FLASH_KEY1); WRITE_REG(FLASH->KEYR2, FLASH_KEY2); /* Verify Flash Bank1 is unlocked */ if (READ_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_LOCK) != 0U) { return HAL_ERROR; } } return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Locks the FLASH Bank2 control registers access * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Lock_Bank2(void) { /* Set the LOCK Bit to lock the FLASH Bank2 Registers access */ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_LOCK); return HAL_OK; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ /* * @brief Perform a CRC computation on the specified FLASH memory area * @param pCRCInit pointer to an FLASH_CRCInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the CRC computation. * @note CRC computation uses CRC-32 (Ethernet) polynomial 0x4C11DB7 * @note The application should avoid running a CRC on PCROP or secure-only * user Flash memory area since it may alter the expected CRC value. * A special error flag (CRC read error: CRCRDERR) can be used to * detect such a case. * @retval HAL Status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_ComputeCRC(FLASH_CRCInitTypeDef *pCRCInit, uint32_t *CRC_Result) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status; uint32_t sector_index; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK_EXCLUSIVE(pCRCInit->Bank)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_TYPECRC(pCRCInit->TypeCRC)); /* Wait for OB change operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_OB_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); if (status == HAL_OK) { if (pCRCInit->Bank == FLASH_BANK_1) { /* Enable CRC feature */ FLASH->CR1 |= FLASH_CR_CRC_EN; /* Clear CRC flags in Status Register: CRC end of calculation and CRC read error */ FLASH->CCR1 |= (FLASH_CCR_CLR_CRCEND | FLASH_CCR_CLR_CRCRDERR); /* Clear current CRC result, program burst size and define memory area on which CRC has to be computed */ FLASH->CRCCR1 |= FLASH_CRCCR_CLEAN_CRC | pCRCInit->BurstSize | pCRCInit->TypeCRC; if (pCRCInit->TypeCRC == FLASH_CRC_SECTORS) { /* Clear sectors list */ FLASH->CRCCR1 |= FLASH_CRCCR_CLEAN_SECT; /* Select CRC sectors */ for(sector_index = pCRCInit->Sector; sector_index < (pCRCInit->NbSectors + pCRCInit->Sector); sector_index++) { FLASH_CRC_AddSector(sector_index, FLASH_BANK_1); } } else if (pCRCInit->TypeCRC == FLASH_CRC_BANK) { /* Enable Bank 1 CRC select bit */ FLASH->CRCCR1 |= FLASH_CRCCR_ALL_BANK; } else { /* Select CRC start and end addresses */ FLASH_CRC_SelectAddress(pCRCInit->CRCStartAddr, pCRCInit->CRCEndAddr, FLASH_BANK_1); } /* Start the CRC calculation */ FLASH->CRCCR1 |= FLASH_CRCCR_START_CRC; /* Wait on CRC busy flag */ status = FLASH_CRC_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_1); /* Return CRC result */ (*CRC_Result) = FLASH->CRCDATA; /* Disable CRC feature */ FLASH->CR1 &= (~FLASH_CR_CRC_EN); /* Clear CRC flags */ __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG_BANK1(FLASH_FLAG_CRCEND_BANK1 | FLASH_FLAG_CRCRDERR_BANK1); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) else { /* Enable CRC feature */ FLASH->CR2 |= FLASH_CR_CRC_EN; /* Clear CRC flags in Status Register: CRC end of calculation and CRC read error */ FLASH->CCR2 |= (FLASH_CCR_CLR_CRCEND | FLASH_CCR_CLR_CRCRDERR); /* Clear current CRC result, program burst size and define memory area on which CRC has to be computed */ FLASH->CRCCR2 |= FLASH_CRCCR_CLEAN_CRC | pCRCInit->BurstSize | pCRCInit->TypeCRC; if (pCRCInit->TypeCRC == FLASH_CRC_SECTORS) { /* Clear sectors list */ FLASH->CRCCR2 |= FLASH_CRCCR_CLEAN_SECT; /* Add CRC sectors */ for(sector_index = pCRCInit->Sector; sector_index < (pCRCInit->NbSectors + pCRCInit->Sector); sector_index++) { FLASH_CRC_AddSector(sector_index, FLASH_BANK_2); } } else if (pCRCInit->TypeCRC == FLASH_CRC_BANK) { /* Enable Bank 2 CRC select bit */ FLASH->CRCCR2 |= FLASH_CRCCR_ALL_BANK; } else { /* Select CRC start and end addresses */ FLASH_CRC_SelectAddress(pCRCInit->CRCStartAddr, pCRCInit->CRCEndAddr, FLASH_BANK_2); } /* Start the CRC calculation */ FLASH->CRCCR2 |= FLASH_CRCCR_START_CRC; /* Wait on CRC busy flag */ status = FLASH_CRC_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, FLASH_BANK_2); /* Return CRC result */ (*CRC_Result) = FLASH->CRCDATA; /* Disable CRC feature */ FLASH->CR2 &= (~FLASH_CR_CRC_EN); /* Clear CRC flags */ __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG_BANK2(FLASH_FLAG_CRCEND_BANK2 | FLASH_FLAG_CRCRDERR_BANK2); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } return status; } /** * @} */ #if (USE_FLASH_ECC == 1U) /** @defgroup FLASHEx_Exported_Functions_Group2 Extended ECC operation functions * @brief Extended ECC operation functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Extended ECC operation functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to manage the Extended FLASH ECC Operations. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable ECC correction interrupts on FLASH BANK1 and BANK2. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_EnableEccCorrectionInterrupt(void) { __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_SNECCERR_BANK1); #if defined (DUAL_BANK) __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_SNECCERR_BANK2); #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Disable ECC correction interrupts on FLASH BANK1 and BANK2. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_DisableEccCorrectionInterrupt(void) { __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_SNECCERR_BANK1); #if defined (DUAL_BANK) __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_SNECCERR_BANK2); #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Enable ECC correction interrupt on FLASH BANK1. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_EnableEccCorrectionInterrupt_Bank1(void) { __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_SNECCERR_BANK1); } /** * @brief Disable ECC correction interrupt on FLASH BANK1. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_DisableEccCorrectionInterrupt_Bank1(void) { __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_SNECCERR_BANK1); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /** * @brief Enable ECC correction interrupt on FLASH BANK2. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_EnableEccCorrectionInterrupt_Bank2(void) { __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_SNECCERR_BANK2); } /** * @brief Disable ECC correction interrupt on FLASH BANK2. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_DisableEccCorrectionInterrupt_Bank2(void) { __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_SNECCERR_BANK2); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ /** * @brief Enable ECC Detection interrupts on FLASH BANK1 and BANK2. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_EnableEccDetectionInterrupt(void) { __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_DBECCERR_BANK1); #if defined (DUAL_BANK) __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_DBECCERR_BANK2); #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Disable ECC Detection interrupts on FLASH BANK1 and BANK2. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_DisableEccDetectionInterrupt(void) { __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_DBECCERR_BANK1); #if defined (DUAL_BANK) __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_DBECCERR_BANK2); #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Enable ECC Detection interrupt on FLASH BANK1. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_EnableEccDetectionInterrupt_Bank1(void) { __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_DBECCERR_BANK1); } /** * @brief Disable ECC correction interrupt on FLASH BANK1. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_DisableEccDetectionInterrupt_Bank1(void) { __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_DBECCERR_BANK1); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /** * @brief Enable ECC Detection interrupt on FLASH BANK2. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_EnableEccDetectionInterrupt_Bank2(void) { __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_DBECCERR_BANK2); } /** * @brief Disable ECC Detection interrupt on FLASH BANK2. * @param None * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_DisableEccDetectionInterrupt_Bank2(void) { __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(FLASH_IT_DBECCERR_BANK2); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ /** * @brief Get the ECC error information. * @param pData Pointer to an FLASH_EccInfoTypeDef structure that contains the * ECC error information. * @note This function should be called before ECC bit is cleared * (in callback function) * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_GetEccInfo(FLASH_EccInfoTypeDef *pData) { uint32_t errorflag; /* Check FLASH Bank1 ECC single correction and double detection error flags */ errorflag = FLASH->SR1 & (FLASH_FLAG_SNECCERR_BANK1 | FLASH_FLAG_DBECCERR_BANK1); if(errorflag != 0U) { pData->Area = FLASH_ECC_AREA_USER_BANK1; pData->Address = ((((FLASH->ECC_FA1 & FLASH_ECC_FA_FAIL_ECC_ADDR))* FLASH_NB_32BITWORD_IN_FLASHWORD * 4) + FLASH_BANK1_BASE); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /* Check FLASH Bank2 ECC single correction and double detection error flags */ errorflag = FLASH->SR2 & (FLASH_FLAG_SNECCERR_BANK2 | FLASH_FLAG_DBECCERR_BANK2); if(errorflag != 0U) { pData->Area = FLASH_ECC_AREA_USER_BANK2; pData->Address = ((((FLASH->ECC_FA2 & FLASH_ECC_FA_FAIL_ECC_ADDR))* FLASH_NB_32BITWORD_IN_FLASHWORD * 4) + FLASH_BANK2_BASE); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Handle Flash ECC Detection interrupt request. * @retval None */ void HAL_FLASHEx_BusFault_IRQHandler(void) { /* Check if the ECC double error occured*/ if ((FLASH->SR1 & FLASH_FLAG_DBECCERR_BANK1) != 0) { /* FLASH ECC detection user callback */ HAL_FLASHEx_EccDetectionCallback(); /* Clear Bank 1 ECC double detection error flag note : this step will clear all the informations related to the flash ECC detection */ __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG_BANK1(FLASH_FLAG_DBECCERR_BANK1); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /* Check if the ECC double error occured*/ if ((FLASH->SR2 & FLASH_FLAG_DBECCERR_BANK2) != 0) { /* FLASH ECC detection user callback */ HAL_FLASHEx_EccDetectionCallback(); /* Clear Bank 2 ECC double detection error flag note : this step will clear all the informations related to the flash ECC detection */ __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG_BANK2(FLASH_FLAG_DBECCERR_BANK2); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief FLASH ECC Correction interrupt callback. * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_FLASHEx_EccCorrectionCallback(void) { /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_FLASHEx_EccCorrectionCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief FLASH ECC Detection interrupt callback. * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_FLASHEx_EccDetectionCallback(void) { /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_FLASHEx_EccDetectionCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @} */ #endif /* USE_FLASH_ECC */ /** * @} */ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup FLASHEx_Private_Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief Mass erase of FLASH memory * @param VoltageRange The device program/erase parallelism. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_1 : Flash program/erase by 8 bits * @arg FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_2 : Flash program/erase by 16 bits * @arg FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3 : Flash program/erase by 32 bits * @arg FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_4 : Flash program/erase by 64 bits * * @param Banks Banks to be erased * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Bank1 to be erased * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Bank2 to be erased * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: Bank1 and Bank2 to be erased * * @retval HAL Status */ static void FLASH_MassErase(uint32_t VoltageRange, uint32_t Banks) { /* Check the parameters */ #if defined (FLASH_CR_PSIZE) assert_param(IS_VOLTAGERANGE(VoltageRange)); #else UNUSED(VoltageRange); #endif /* FLASH_CR_PSIZE */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(Banks)); #if defined (DUAL_BANK) /* Flash Mass Erase */ if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_BOTH) == FLASH_BANK_BOTH) { #if defined (FLASH_CR_PSIZE) /* Reset Program/erase VoltageRange for Bank1 and Bank2 */ FLASH->CR1 &= (~FLASH_CR_PSIZE); FLASH->CR2 &= (~FLASH_CR_PSIZE); /* Set voltage range */ FLASH->CR1 |= VoltageRange; FLASH->CR2 |= VoltageRange; #endif /* FLASH_CR_PSIZE */ /* Set Mass Erase Bit */ FLASH->OPTCR |= FLASH_OPTCR_MER; } else #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ { /* Proceed to erase Flash Bank */ if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { #if defined (FLASH_CR_PSIZE) /* Set Program/erase VoltageRange for Bank1 */ FLASH->CR1 &= (~FLASH_CR_PSIZE); FLASH->CR1 |= VoltageRange; #endif /* FLASH_CR_PSIZE */ /* Erase Bank1 */ FLASH->CR1 |= (FLASH_CR_BER | FLASH_CR_START); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { #if defined (FLASH_CR_PSIZE) /* Set Program/erase VoltageRange for Bank2 */ FLASH->CR2 &= (~FLASH_CR_PSIZE); FLASH->CR2 |= VoltageRange; #endif /* FLASH_CR_PSIZE */ /* Erase Bank2 */ FLASH->CR2 |= (FLASH_CR_BER | FLASH_CR_START); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } } /** * @brief Erase the specified FLASH memory sector * @param Sector FLASH sector to erase * This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_Sectors * @param Banks Banks to be erased * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Bank1 to be erased * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Bank2 to be erased * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: Bank1 and Bank2 to be erased * @param VoltageRange The device program/erase parallelism. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_1 : Flash program/erase by 8 bits * @arg FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_2 : Flash program/erase by 16 bits * @arg FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3 : Flash program/erase by 32 bits * @arg FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_4 : Flash program/erase by 64 bits * * @retval None */ void FLASH_Erase_Sector(uint32_t Sector, uint32_t Banks, uint32_t VoltageRange) { assert_param(IS_FLASH_SECTOR(Sector)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK_EXCLUSIVE(Banks)); #if defined (FLASH_CR_PSIZE) assert_param(IS_VOLTAGERANGE(VoltageRange)); #else UNUSED(VoltageRange); #endif /* FLASH_CR_PSIZE */ if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { #if defined (FLASH_CR_PSIZE) /* Reset Program/erase VoltageRange and Sector Number for Bank1 */ FLASH->CR1 &= ~(FLASH_CR_PSIZE | FLASH_CR_SNB); FLASH->CR1 |= (FLASH_CR_SER | VoltageRange | (Sector << FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos) | FLASH_CR_START); #else /* Reset Sector Number for Bank1 */ FLASH->CR1 &= ~(FLASH_CR_SNB); FLASH->CR1 |= (FLASH_CR_SER | (Sector << FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos) | FLASH_CR_START); #endif /* FLASH_CR_PSIZE */ } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { #if defined (FLASH_CR_PSIZE) /* Reset Program/erase VoltageRange and Sector Number for Bank2 */ FLASH->CR2 &= ~(FLASH_CR_PSIZE | FLASH_CR_SNB); FLASH->CR2 |= (FLASH_CR_SER | VoltageRange | (Sector << FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos) | FLASH_CR_START); #else /* Reset Sector Number for Bank2 */ FLASH->CR2 &= ~(FLASH_CR_SNB); FLASH->CR2 |= (FLASH_CR_SER | (Sector << FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos) | FLASH_CR_START); #endif /* FLASH_CR_PSIZE */ } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Enable the write protection of the desired bank1 or bank 2 sectors * @param WRPSector specifies the sector(s) to be write protected. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg WRPSector: A combination of OB_WRP_SECTOR_0 to OB_WRP_SECTOR_7 or OB_WRP_SECTOR_ALL * * @param Banks the specific bank to apply WRP sectors * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: enable WRP on specified bank1 sectors * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: enable WRP on specified bank2 sectors * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: enable WRP on both bank1 and bank2 specified sectors * * @retval HAL FLASH State */ static void FLASH_OB_EnableWRP(uint32_t WRPSector, uint32_t Banks) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_WRP_SECTOR(WRPSector)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(Banks)); if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { /* Enable Write Protection for bank 1 */ FLASH->WPSN_PRG1 &= (~(WRPSector & FLASH_WPSN_WRPSN)); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { /* Enable Write Protection for bank 2 */ FLASH->WPSN_PRG2 &= (~(WRPSector & FLASH_WPSN_WRPSN)); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Disable the write protection of the desired bank1 or bank 2 sectors * @param WRPSector specifies the sector(s) to disable write protection. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg WRPSector: A combination of FLASH_OB_WRP_SECTOR_0 to FLASH_OB_WRP_SECTOR_7 or FLASH_OB_WRP_SECTOR_ALL * * @param Banks the specific bank to apply WRP sectors * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: disable WRP on specified bank1 sectors * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: disable WRP on specified bank2 sectors * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: disable WRP on both bank1 and bank2 specified sectors * * @retval HAL FLASH State */ static void FLASH_OB_DisableWRP(uint32_t WRPSector, uint32_t Banks) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_WRP_SECTOR(WRPSector)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(Banks)); if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { /* Disable Write Protection for bank 1 */ FLASH->WPSN_PRG1 |= (WRPSector & FLASH_WPSN_WRPSN); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { /* Disable Write Protection for bank 2 */ FLASH->WPSN_PRG2 |= (WRPSector & FLASH_WPSN_WRPSN); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Get the write protection of the given bank 1 or bank 2 sectors * @param WRPState gives the write protection state on the given bank. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg WRPState: OB_WRPSTATE_DISABLE or OB_WRPSTATE_ENABLE * @param WRPSector gives the write protected sector(s) on the given bank . * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg WRPSector: A combination of FLASH_OB_WRP_SECTOR_0 to FLASH_OB_WRP_SECTOR_7 or FLASH_OB_WRP_SECTOR_ALL * * @param Bank the specific bank to apply WRP sectors * This parameter can be exclusively one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Get bank1 WRP sectors * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Get bank2 WRP sectors * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: note allowed in this functions * * @retval HAL FLASH State */ static void FLASH_OB_GetWRP(uint32_t *WRPState, uint32_t *WRPSector, uint32_t Bank) { uint32_t regvalue = 0U; if(Bank == FLASH_BANK_1) { regvalue = FLASH->WPSN_CUR1; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if(Bank == FLASH_BANK_2) { regvalue = FLASH->WPSN_CUR2; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ (*WRPSector) = (~regvalue) & FLASH_WPSN_WRPSN; if(*WRPSector == 0U) { (*WRPState) = OB_WRPSTATE_DISABLE; } else { (*WRPState) = OB_WRPSTATE_ENABLE; } } /** * @brief Set the read protection level. * * @note To configure the RDP level, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of the HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note To validate the RDP level, the option bytes must be reloaded * through the call of the HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() function. * @note !!! Warning : When enabling OB_RDP level 2 it's no more possible * to go back to level 1 or 0 !!! * * @param RDPLevel specifies the read protection level. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_0: No protection * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_1: Read protection of the memory * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_2: Full chip protection * * @retval HAL status */ static void FLASH_OB_RDPConfig(uint32_t RDPLevel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_RDP_LEVEL(RDPLevel)); /* Configure the RDP level in the option bytes register */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->OPTSR_PRG, FLASH_OPTSR_RDP, RDPLevel); } /** * @brief Get the read protection level. * @retval RDPLevel specifies the read protection level. * This return value can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_0: No protection * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_1: Read protection of the memory * @arg OB_RDP_LEVEL_2: Full chip protection */ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetRDP(void) { uint32_t rdp_level = READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTSR_CUR, FLASH_OPTSR_RDP); if ((rdp_level != OB_RDP_LEVEL_0) && (rdp_level != OB_RDP_LEVEL_2)) { return (OB_RDP_LEVEL_1); } else { return rdp_level; } } #if defined(DUAL_CORE) /** * @brief Program the FLASH User Option Byte. * * @note To configure the user option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must * be cleared with the call of the HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * * @note To validate the user option bytes, the option bytes must be reloaded * through the call of the HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() function. * * @param UserType The FLASH User Option Bytes to be modified : * a combination of @ref FLASHEx_OB_USER_Type * * @param UserConfig The FLASH User Option Bytes values: * IWDG1_SW(Bit4), IWDG2_SW(Bit 5), nRST_STOP_D1(Bit 6), nRST_STDY_D1(Bit 7), * FZ_IWDG_STOP(Bit 17), FZ_IWDG_SDBY(Bit 18), ST_RAM_SIZE(Bit[19:20]), * SECURITY(Bit 21), BCM4(Bit 22), BCM7(Bit 23), nRST_STOP_D2(Bit 24), * nRST_STDY_D2(Bit 25), IO_HSLV (Bit 29) and SWAP_BANK_OPT(Bit 31). * * @retval HAL status */ #else /** * @brief Program the FLASH User Option Byte. * * @note To configure the user option bytes, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must * be cleared with the call of the HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * * @note To validate the user option bytes, the option bytes must be reloaded * through the call of the HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() function. * * @param UserType The FLASH User Option Bytes to be modified : * a combination of @arg FLASHEx_OB_USER_Type * * @param UserConfig The FLASH User Option Bytes values: * IWDG_SW(Bit4), nRST_STOP_D1(Bit 6), nRST_STDY_D1(Bit 7), * FZ_IWDG_STOP(Bit 17), FZ_IWDG_SDBY(Bit 18), ST_RAM_SIZE(Bit[19:20]), * SECURITY(Bit 21), IO_HSLV (Bit 29) and SWAP_BANK_OPT(Bit 31). * * @retval HAL status */ #endif /*DUAL_CORE*/ static void FLASH_OB_UserConfig(uint32_t UserType, uint32_t UserConfig) { uint32_t optr_reg_val = 0; uint32_t optr_reg_mask = 0; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_TYPE(UserType)); if((UserType & OB_USER_IWDG1_SW) != 0U) { /* IWDG_HW option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_IWDG1_SOURCE(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_IWDG1_SW)); /* Set value and mask for IWDG_HW option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_IWDG1_SW); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_IWDG1_SW; } #if defined(DUAL_CORE) if((UserType & OB_USER_IWDG2_SW) != 0U) { /* IWDG2_SW option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_IWDG2_SOURCE(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_IWDG2_SW)); /* Set value and mask for IWDG2_SW option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_IWDG2_SW); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_IWDG2_SW; } #endif /*DUAL_CORE*/ if((UserType & OB_USER_NRST_STOP_D1) != 0U) { /* NRST_STOP option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_STOP_D1_RESET(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STOP_D1)); /* Set value and mask for NRST_STOP option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STOP_D1); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STOP_D1; } if((UserType & OB_USER_NRST_STDBY_D1) != 0U) { /* NRST_STDBY option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_STDBY_D1_RESET(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STBY_D1)); /* Set value and mask for NRST_STDBY option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STBY_D1); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STBY_D1; } if((UserType & OB_USER_IWDG_STOP) != 0U) { /* IWDG_STOP option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_IWDG_STOP(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_FZ_IWDG_STOP)); /* Set value and mask for IWDG_STOP option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_FZ_IWDG_STOP); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_FZ_IWDG_STOP; } if((UserType & OB_USER_IWDG_STDBY) != 0U) { /* IWDG_STDBY option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_IWDG_STDBY(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_FZ_IWDG_SDBY)); /* Set value and mask for IWDG_STDBY option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_FZ_IWDG_SDBY); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_FZ_IWDG_SDBY; } if((UserType & OB_USER_ST_RAM_SIZE) != 0U) { /* ST_RAM_SIZE option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_ST_RAM_SIZE(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_ST_RAM_SIZE)); /* Set value and mask for ST_RAM_SIZE option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_ST_RAM_SIZE); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_ST_RAM_SIZE; } if((UserType & OB_USER_SECURITY) != 0U) { /* SECURITY option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_SECURITY(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_SECURITY)); /* Set value and mask for SECURITY option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_SECURITY); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_SECURITY; } #if defined(DUAL_CORE) if((UserType & OB_USER_BCM4) != 0U) { /* BCM4 option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_BCM4(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_BCM4)); /* Set value and mask for BCM4 option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_BCM4); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_BCM4; } if((UserType & OB_USER_BCM7) != 0U) { /* BCM7 option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_BCM7(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_BCM7)); /* Set value and mask for BCM7 option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_BCM7); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_BCM7; } #endif /* DUAL_CORE */ #if defined (FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STOP_D2) if((UserType & OB_USER_NRST_STOP_D2) != 0U) { /* NRST_STOP option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_STOP_D2_RESET(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STOP_D2)); /* Set value and mask for NRST_STOP option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STOP_D2); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STOP_D2; } if((UserType & OB_USER_NRST_STDBY_D2) != 0U) { /* NRST_STDBY option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_STDBY_D2_RESET(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STBY_D2)); /* Set value and mask for NRST_STDBY option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STBY_D2); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STBY_D2; } #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR_NRST_STOP_D2 */ #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((UserType & OB_USER_SWAP_BANK) != 0U) { /* SWAP_BANK_OPT option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_SWAP_BANK(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_SWAP_BANK_OPT)); /* Set value and mask for SWAP_BANK_OPT option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_SWAP_BANK_OPT); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_SWAP_BANK_OPT; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ if((UserType & OB_USER_IOHSLV) != 0U) { /* IOHSLV_OPT option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_IOHSLV(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_IO_HSLV)); /* Set value and mask for IOHSLV_OPT option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_IO_HSLV); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_IO_HSLV; } #if defined (FLASH_OPTSR_VDDMMC_HSLV) if((UserType & OB_USER_VDDMMC_HSLV) != 0U) { /* VDDMMC_HSLV option byte should be modified */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_VDDMMC_HSLV(UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_VDDMMC_HSLV)); /* Set value and mask for VDDMMC_HSLV option byte */ optr_reg_val |= (UserConfig & FLASH_OPTSR_VDDMMC_HSLV); optr_reg_mask |= FLASH_OPTSR_VDDMMC_HSLV; } #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR_VDDMMC_HSLV */ /* Configure the option bytes register */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->OPTSR_PRG, optr_reg_mask, optr_reg_val); } #if defined(DUAL_CORE) /** * @brief Return the FLASH User Option Byte value. * @retval The FLASH User Option Bytes values * IWDG1_SW(Bit4), IWDG2_SW(Bit 5), nRST_STOP_D1(Bit 6), nRST_STDY_D1(Bit 7), * FZ_IWDG_STOP(Bit 17), FZ_IWDG_SDBY(Bit 18), ST_RAM_SIZE(Bit[19:20]), * SECURITY(Bit 21), BCM4(Bit 22), BCM7(Bit 23), nRST_STOP_D2(Bit 24), * nRST_STDY_D2(Bit 25), IO_HSLV (Bit 29) and SWAP_BANK_OPT(Bit 31). */ #else /** * @brief Return the FLASH User Option Byte value. * @retval The FLASH User Option Bytes values * IWDG_SW(Bit4), nRST_STOP_D1(Bit 6), nRST_STDY_D1(Bit 7), * FZ_IWDG_STOP(Bit 17), FZ_IWDG_SDBY(Bit 18), ST_RAM_SIZE(Bit[19:20]), * SECURITY(Bit 21), IO_HSLV (Bit 29) and SWAP_BANK_OPT(Bit 31). */ #endif /*DUAL_CORE*/ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetUser(void) { uint32_t userConfig = READ_REG(FLASH->OPTSR_CUR); userConfig &= (~(FLASH_OPTSR_BOR_LEV | FLASH_OPTSR_RDP)); return userConfig; } /** * @brief Configure the Proprietary code readout protection of the desired addresses * * @note To configure the PCROP options, the option lock bit OPTLOCK must be * cleared with the call of the HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() function. * @note To validate the PCROP options, the option bytes must be reloaded * through the call of the HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() function. * * @param PCROPConfig specifies if the PCROP area for the given Bank shall be erased or not * when RDP level decreased from Level 1 to Level 0, or after a bank erase with protection removal * This parameter must be a value of @arg FLASHEx_OB_PCROP_RDP enumeration * * @param PCROPStartAddr specifies the start address of the Proprietary code readout protection * This parameter can be an address between begin and end of the bank * * @param PCROPEndAddr specifies the end address of the Proprietary code readout protection * This parameter can be an address between PCROPStartAddr and end of the bank * * @param Banks the specific bank to apply PCROP protection * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: PCROP on specified bank1 area * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: PCROP on specified bank2 area * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: PCROP on specified bank1 and bank2 area (same config will be applied on both banks) * * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_PCROPConfig(uint32_t PCROPConfig, uint32_t PCROPStartAddr, uint32_t PCROPEndAddr, uint32_t Banks) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(Banks)); assert_param(IS_OB_PCROP_RDP(PCROPConfig)); if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK1(PCROPStartAddr)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK1(PCROPEndAddr)); /* Configure the Proprietary code readout protection */ FLASH->PRAR_PRG1 = ((PCROPStartAddr - FLASH_BANK1_BASE) >> 8) | \ (((PCROPEndAddr - FLASH_BANK1_BASE) >> 8) << FLASH_PRAR_PROT_AREA_END_Pos) | \ PCROPConfig; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK2(PCROPStartAddr)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK2(PCROPEndAddr)); /* Configure the Proprietary code readout protection */ FLASH->PRAR_PRG2 = ((PCROPStartAddr - FLASH_BANK2_BASE) >> 8) | \ (((PCROPEndAddr - FLASH_BANK2_BASE) >> 8) << FLASH_PRAR_PROT_AREA_END_Pos) | \ PCROPConfig; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Get the Proprietary code readout protection configuration on a given Bank * * @param PCROPConfig indicates if the PCROP area for the given Bank shall be erased or not * when RDP level decreased from Level 1 to Level 0 or after a bank erase with protection removal * * @param PCROPStartAddr gives the start address of the Proprietary code readout protection of the bank * * @param PCROPEndAddr gives the end address of the Proprietary code readout protection of the bank * * @param Bank the specific bank to apply PCROP protection * This parameter can be exclusively one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: PCROP on specified bank1 area * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: PCROP on specified bank2 area * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: is not allowed here * * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_GetPCROP(uint32_t *PCROPConfig, uint32_t *PCROPStartAddr, uint32_t *PCROPEndAddr, uint32_t Bank) { uint32_t regvalue = 0; uint32_t bankBase = 0; if(Bank == FLASH_BANK_1) { regvalue = FLASH->PRAR_CUR1; bankBase = FLASH_BANK1_BASE; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if(Bank == FLASH_BANK_2) { regvalue = FLASH->PRAR_CUR2; bankBase = FLASH_BANK2_BASE; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ (*PCROPConfig) = (regvalue & FLASH_PRAR_DMEP); (*PCROPStartAddr) = ((regvalue & FLASH_PRAR_PROT_AREA_START) << 8) + bankBase; (*PCROPEndAddr) = (regvalue & FLASH_PRAR_PROT_AREA_END) >> FLASH_PRAR_PROT_AREA_END_Pos; (*PCROPEndAddr) = ((*PCROPEndAddr) << 8) + bankBase; } /** * @brief Set the BOR Level. * @param Level specifies the Option Bytes BOR Reset Level. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_BOR_LEVEL0: Reset level threshold is set to 1.6V * @arg OB_BOR_LEVEL1: Reset level threshold is set to 2.1V * @arg OB_BOR_LEVEL2: Reset level threshold is set to 2.4V * @arg OB_BOR_LEVEL3: Reset level threshold is set to 2.7V * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_BOR_LevelConfig(uint32_t Level) { assert_param(IS_OB_BOR_LEVEL(Level)); /* Configure BOR_LEV option byte */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->OPTSR_PRG, FLASH_OPTSR_BOR_LEV, Level); } /** * @brief Get the BOR Level. * @retval The Option Bytes BOR Reset Level. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_BOR_LEVEL0: Reset level threshold is set to 1.6V * @arg OB_BOR_LEVEL1: Reset level threshold is set to 2.1V * @arg OB_BOR_LEVEL2: Reset level threshold is set to 2.4V * @arg OB_BOR_LEVEL3: Reset level threshold is set to 2.7V */ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_GetBOR(void) { return (FLASH->OPTSR_CUR & FLASH_OPTSR_BOR_LEV); } /** * @brief Set Boot address * @param BootOption Boot address option byte to be programmed, * This parameter must be a value of @ref FLASHEx_OB_BOOT_OPTION (OB_BOOT_ADD0, OB_BOOT_ADD1 or OB_BOOT_ADD_BOTH) * * @param BootAddress0 Specifies the Boot Address 0 * @param BootAddress1 Specifies the Boot Address 1 * @retval HAL Status */ static void FLASH_OB_BootAddConfig(uint32_t BootOption, uint32_t BootAddress0, uint32_t BootAddress1) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_BOOT_ADD_OPTION(BootOption)); if((BootOption & OB_BOOT_ADD0) == OB_BOOT_ADD0) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_BOOT_ADDRESS(BootAddress0)); /* Configure CM7 BOOT ADD0 */ #if defined(DUAL_CORE) MODIFY_REG(FLASH->BOOT7_PRG, FLASH_BOOT7_BCM7_ADD0, (BootAddress0 >> 16)); #else /* Single Core*/ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->BOOT_PRG, FLASH_BOOT_ADD0, (BootAddress0 >> 16)); #endif /* DUAL_CORE */ } if((BootOption & OB_BOOT_ADD1) == OB_BOOT_ADD1) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_BOOT_ADDRESS(BootAddress1)); /* Configure CM7 BOOT ADD1 */ #if defined(DUAL_CORE) MODIFY_REG(FLASH->BOOT7_PRG, FLASH_BOOT7_BCM7_ADD1, BootAddress1); #else /* Single Core*/ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->BOOT_PRG, FLASH_BOOT_ADD1, BootAddress1); #endif /* DUAL_CORE */ } } /** * @brief Get Boot address * @param BootAddress0 Specifies the Boot Address 0. * @param BootAddress1 Specifies the Boot Address 1. * @retval HAL Status */ static void FLASH_OB_GetBootAdd(uint32_t *BootAddress0, uint32_t *BootAddress1) { uint32_t regvalue; #if defined(DUAL_CORE) regvalue = FLASH->BOOT7_CUR; (*BootAddress0) = (regvalue & FLASH_BOOT7_BCM7_ADD0) << 16; (*BootAddress1) = (regvalue & FLASH_BOOT7_BCM7_ADD1); #else /* Single Core */ regvalue = FLASH->BOOT_CUR; (*BootAddress0) = (regvalue & FLASH_BOOT_ADD0) << 16; (*BootAddress1) = (regvalue & FLASH_BOOT_ADD1); #endif /* DUAL_CORE */ } #if defined(DUAL_CORE) /** * @brief Set CM4 Boot address * @param BootOption Boot address option byte to be programmed, * This parameter must be a value of @ref FLASHEx_OB_BOOT_OPTION (OB_BOOT_ADD0, OB_BOOT_ADD1 or OB_BOOT_ADD_BOTH) * * @param BootAddress0 Specifies the CM4 Boot Address 0. * @param BootAddress1 Specifies the CM4 Boot Address 1. * @retval HAL Status */ static void FLASH_OB_CM4BootAddConfig(uint32_t BootOption, uint32_t BootAddress0, uint32_t BootAddress1) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_BOOT_ADD_OPTION(BootOption)); if((BootOption & OB_BOOT_ADD0) == OB_BOOT_ADD0) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_BOOT_ADDRESS(BootAddress0)); /* Configure CM4 BOOT ADD0 */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->BOOT4_PRG, FLASH_BOOT4_BCM4_ADD0, (BootAddress0 >> 16)); } if((BootOption & OB_BOOT_ADD1) == OB_BOOT_ADD1) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_BOOT_ADDRESS(BootAddress1)); /* Configure CM4 BOOT ADD1 */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->BOOT4_PRG, FLASH_BOOT4_BCM4_ADD1, BootAddress1); } } /** * @brief Get CM4 Boot address * @param BootAddress0 Specifies the CM4 Boot Address 0. * @param BootAddress1 Specifies the CM4 Boot Address 1. * @retval HAL Status */ static void FLASH_OB_GetCM4BootAdd(uint32_t *BootAddress0, uint32_t *BootAddress1) { uint32_t regvalue; regvalue = FLASH->BOOT4_CUR; (*BootAddress0) = (regvalue & FLASH_BOOT4_BCM4_ADD0) << 16; (*BootAddress1) = (regvalue & FLASH_BOOT4_BCM4_ADD1); } #endif /*DUAL_CORE*/ /** * @brief Set secure area configuration * @param SecureAreaConfig specify if the secure area will be deleted or not * when RDP level decreased from Level 1 to Level 0 or during a mass erase. * * @param SecureAreaStartAddr Specifies the secure area start address * @param SecureAreaEndAddr Specifies the secure area end address * @param Banks the specific bank to apply Security protection * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BANK_1: Secure area on specified bank1 area * @arg FLASH_BANK_2: Secure area on specified bank2 area * @arg FLASH_BANK_BOTH: Secure area on specified bank1 and bank2 area (same config will be applied on both banks) * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_SecureAreaConfig(uint32_t SecureAreaConfig, uint32_t SecureAreaStartAddr, uint32_t SecureAreaEndAddr, uint32_t Banks) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_BANK(Banks)); assert_param(IS_OB_SECURE_RDP(SecureAreaConfig)); if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_1) == FLASH_BANK_1) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK1(SecureAreaStartAddr)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK1(SecureAreaEndAddr)); /* Configure the secure area */ FLASH->SCAR_PRG1 = ((SecureAreaStartAddr - FLASH_BANK1_BASE) >> 8) | \ (((SecureAreaEndAddr - FLASH_BANK1_BASE) >> 8) << FLASH_SCAR_SEC_AREA_END_Pos) | \ (SecureAreaConfig & FLASH_SCAR_DMES); } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if((Banks & FLASH_BANK_2) == FLASH_BANK_2) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK2(SecureAreaStartAddr)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK2(SecureAreaEndAddr)); /* Configure the secure area */ FLASH->SCAR_PRG2 = ((SecureAreaStartAddr - FLASH_BANK2_BASE) >> 8) | \ (((SecureAreaEndAddr - FLASH_BANK2_BASE) >> 8) << FLASH_SCAR_SEC_AREA_END_Pos) | \ (SecureAreaConfig & FLASH_SCAR_DMES); } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Get secure area configuration * @param SecureAreaConfig indicates if the secure area will be deleted or not * when RDP level decreased from Level 1 to Level 0 or during a mass erase. * @param SecureAreaStartAddr gives the secure area start address * @param SecureAreaEndAddr gives the secure area end address * @param Bank Specifies the Bank * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_GetSecureArea(uint32_t *SecureAreaConfig, uint32_t *SecureAreaStartAddr, uint32_t *SecureAreaEndAddr, uint32_t Bank) { uint32_t regvalue = 0; uint32_t bankBase = 0; /* Check Bank parameter value */ if(Bank == FLASH_BANK_1) { regvalue = FLASH->SCAR_CUR1; bankBase = FLASH_BANK1_BASE; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) if(Bank == FLASH_BANK_2) { regvalue = FLASH->SCAR_CUR2; bankBase = FLASH_BANK2_BASE; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ /* Get the secure area settings */ (*SecureAreaConfig) = (regvalue & FLASH_SCAR_DMES); (*SecureAreaStartAddr) = ((regvalue & FLASH_SCAR_SEC_AREA_START) << 8) + bankBase; (*SecureAreaEndAddr) = (regvalue & FLASH_SCAR_SEC_AREA_END) >> FLASH_SCAR_SEC_AREA_END_Pos; (*SecureAreaEndAddr) = ((*SecureAreaEndAddr) << 8) + bankBase; } /** * @brief Add a CRC sector to the list of sectors on which the CRC will be calculated * @param Sector Specifies the CRC sector number * @param Bank Specifies the Bank * @retval None */ static void FLASH_CRC_AddSector(uint32_t Sector, uint32_t Bank) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_SECTOR(Sector)); if (Bank == FLASH_BANK_1) { /* Clear CRC sector */ FLASH->CRCCR1 &= (~FLASH_CRCCR_CRC_SECT); /* Select CRC Sector and activate ADD_SECT bit */ FLASH->CRCCR1 |= Sector | FLASH_CRCCR_ADD_SECT; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) else { /* Clear CRC sector */ FLASH->CRCCR2 &= (~FLASH_CRCCR_CRC_SECT); /* Select CRC Sector and activate ADD_SECT bit */ FLASH->CRCCR2 |= Sector | FLASH_CRCCR_ADD_SECT; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @brief Select CRC start and end memory addresses on which the CRC will be calculated * @param CRCStartAddr Specifies the CRC start address * @param CRCEndAddr Specifies the CRC end address * @param Bank Specifies the Bank * @retval None */ static void FLASH_CRC_SelectAddress(uint32_t CRCStartAddr, uint32_t CRCEndAddr, uint32_t Bank) { if (Bank == FLASH_BANK_1) { assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK1(CRCStartAddr)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK1(CRCEndAddr)); /* Write CRC Start and End addresses */ FLASH->CRCSADD1 = CRCStartAddr; FLASH->CRCEADD1 = CRCEndAddr; } #if defined (DUAL_BANK) else { assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK2(CRCStartAddr)); assert_param(IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK2(CRCEndAddr)); /* Write CRC Start and End addresses */ FLASH->CRCSADD2 = CRCStartAddr; FLASH->CRCEADD2 = CRCEndAddr; } #endif /* DUAL_BANK */ } /** * @} */ #if defined (FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL) /** * @brief Configure the OTP Block Lock. * @param OTP_Block specifies the OTP Block to lock. * This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASHEx_OTP_Blocks * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_OTP_LockConfig(uint32_t OTP_Block) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OTP_BLOCK(OTP_Block)); /* Configure the OTP Block lock in the option bytes register */ FLASH->OTPBL_PRG |= (OTP_Block & FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL); } /** * @brief Get the OTP Block Lock. * @retval OTP_Block specifies the OTP Block to lock. * This return value can be a value of @ref FLASHEx_OTP_Blocks */ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_OTP_GetLock(void) { return (FLASH->OTPBL_CUR); } #endif /* FLASH_OTPBL_LOCKBL */ #if defined (FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED) /** * @brief Configure the TCM / AXI Shared RAM. * @param SharedRamConfig specifies the Shared RAM configuration. * This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASHEx_OB_TCM_AXI_SHARED * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_SharedRAM_Config(uint32_t SharedRamConfig) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_TCM_AXI_SHARED(SharedRamConfig)); /* Configure the TCM / AXI Shared RAM in the option bytes register */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->OPTSR2_PRG, FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED, SharedRamConfig); } /** * @brief Get the TCM / AXI Shared RAM configuration. * @retval SharedRamConfig returns the TCM / AXI Shared RAM configuration. * This return value can be a value of @ref FLASHEx_OB_TCM_AXI_SHARED */ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_SharedRAM_GetConfig(void) { return (FLASH->OPTSR2_CUR & FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED); } #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR2_TCM_AXI_SHARED */ #if defined (FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST) /** * @brief Configure the CPU Frequency Boost. * @param FreqBoost specifies the CPU Frequency Boost state. * This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASHEx_OB_CPUFREQ_BOOST * @retval None */ static void FLASH_OB_CPUFreq_BoostConfig(uint32_t FreqBoost) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_USER_CPUFREQ_BOOST(FreqBoost)); /* Configure the CPU Frequency Boost in the option bytes register */ MODIFY_REG(FLASH->OPTSR2_PRG, FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST, FreqBoost); } /** * @brief Get the CPU Frequency Boost state. * @retval FreqBoost returns the CPU Frequency Boost state. * This return value can be a value of @ref FLASHEx_OB_CPUFREQ_BOOST */ static uint32_t FLASH_OB_CPUFreq_GetBoost(void) { return (FLASH->OPTSR2_CUR & FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST); } #endif /* FLASH_OPTSR2_CPUFREQ_BOOST */ #endif /* HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */