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* @file stm32f3xx_hal_usart_ex.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief Extended USART HAL module driver.
* This file provides firmware functions to manage the following extended
* functionalities of the Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitter Peripheral (USART).
* + Peripheral Control functions
* @attention
* Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
* in the root directory of this software component.
* If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
##### USART peripheral extended features #####
(#) FIFO mode enabling/disabling and RX/TX FIFO threshold programming.
-@- When USART operates in FIFO mode, FIFO mode must be enabled prior
starting RX/TX transfers. Also RX/TX FIFO thresholds must be
configured prior starting RX/TX transfers.
(#) Slave mode enabling/disabling and NSS pin configuration.
-@- When USART operates in Slave mode, Slave mode must be enabled prior
starting RX/TX transfers.
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f3xx_hal.h"
/** @addtogroup STM32F3xx_HAL_Driver
* @{
/** @defgroup USARTEx USARTEx
* @brief USART Extended HAL module driver
* @{
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup USARTEx_Exported_Functions USARTEx Exported Functions
* @{
/** @defgroup USARTEx_Exported_Functions_Group1 IO operation functions
* @brief Extended USART Transmit/Receive functions
##### IO operation functions #####
This subsection provides a set of FIFO mode related callback functions.
(#) TX/RX Fifos Callbacks:
(+) HAL_USARTEx_RxFifoFullCallback()
(+) HAL_USARTEx_TxFifoEmptyCallback()
* @{
* @}
/** @defgroup USARTEx_Exported_Functions_Group2 Peripheral Control functions
* @brief Extended Peripheral Control functions
##### Peripheral Control functions #####
[..] This section provides the following functions:
(+) HAL_USARTEx_EnableSPISlaveMode() API enables the SPI slave mode
(+) HAL_USARTEx_DisableSPISlaveMode() API disables the SPI slave mode
(+) HAL_USARTEx_ConfigNSS API configures the Slave Select input pin (NSS)
(+) HAL_USARTEx_EnableFifoMode() API enables the FIFO mode
(+) HAL_USARTEx_DisableFifoMode() API disables the FIFO mode
(+) HAL_USARTEx_SetTxFifoThreshold() API sets the TX FIFO threshold
(+) HAL_USARTEx_SetRxFifoThreshold() API sets the RX FIFO threshold
* @{
* @}
* @}
/** @addtogroup USARTEx_Private_Functions
* @{
* @}
* @}
* @}